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PC Hey so I just bought Destiny 2 and I'm only level 6. I noticed A LOT of people...

  • Thread starter Freddy Quinones Jr.
  • Start date

William Timineri

If you like it, is all that matters. Most of the people that hated on Destiny 1 an quit, came back for Destiny 2.

This is the exact same thing that happened with the first game.

The story will evolve as will gameplay and progression.

Great example that the complaints are stupid.

“Bungie nerfed the rally faction”

Aka, they fixed exploits that if they haven’t, people would complain the event was broken.

If you like it, awesome, we’re in the same boat.

I’ve just been blocking the people that flat out shit on it.

This group has thousands of people, I don’t need to see the negative vocal minority.

Joseph Ferratti Franzo

How can ppl call d2 a waste of time when pub g is a literal waste of time.

Sean Baker

People just like to hear themselves complain. They will literally find anything to complain about.

Chris Hunt

There is nothing wrong people are just spoiled and no game is perfect.

Freddy Quinones Jr.

Well I will throw my battlenet tag out there in case anyone would like to add me and play.


Dexter Spenik

bungie took one step forward 5 backwards

Joel Kelly

Honestly, I think the Destiny players out there are some, they probably are the biggest whiners in gaming history. And I tend to disagree, many of the Destiny 1 players managed to be quite disappointed by this amazing game. Well, as a former level designer and texture artist, I think what they created is one of the best multiplayer games of ANY GENRE, ever. So guys like my friends who loved the first game, but have made a vow to boycott Bungie for some perceived wrong can live without it. I just hate to see all the dupes who take their opinions seriously. Their opinion of the game means nothing unless they played this week, is what I used to say.

Dave Htid Snyder

Wait until you beat the game and hit max level, you'll get bored FAST

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