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Can someone please tell me why they think it’s okay to leave the healer alone on point...

  • Thread starter Emily Goodman-Pearce
  • Start date

Emily Goodman-Pearce

Can someone please tell me why they think it’s okay to leave the healer alone on point and over extend multiple times? Legit did a few matches with this team in QP but there is no way I’m playing comp with people like that. I’d rather get the insta loss then risk you guys screwing up my comp placement even further. No thank you.

Anna Brockless

Comp isn't like QP

Sammy Bourgeois

But also, it *was* quickplay. Quickplay is where I go to play Widow or just say fuck it and play whatever roles I'm not very used to a lot of the times. The player that I am in quickplay isn't the player I am in competitive.

People can be idiots in comp, but with communication, it should happen less.

Aadil Saqib

You need to go with them. After the point has been captured, it's the team's job to deny entry at the choke point. Otherwise you're sitting ducks for easy killing.

Aadil Saqib

Also, it's qp. Nobody gives a fuck. People are more serious in competitive. And only around diamonds do you meet players that know how to play.

Chhristopher Tozetti

Placements don't matter also people are more serious in comp

Axel Skotte

I legit hate this group

Luke Wright

It's to create a choke to stop the team from getting to the point.
Though if it's KoTH you should go join them as there's no reason to contest a point by yourself unless both teams are on a 99/99 contest and they are trying to get to the point in time.

On payload maps it's one of the healers that stays on the payload and the rest of the team creates a choke so you can get a free push (you will always see this on kings row even in pro games)

Doesn't always work out as in lower ranks alot of the players try to imitate top plays but can't pull it off, but if they legit know what they are doing then it can easily decide a games win.

Aarone Kitts

Go on an LFG and find some people to play with that have mics BC sometimes they don't realise that they are doing are overextending

Anna Wang

Just trust everyone telling you that you'll have better luck in comp. Keyword: better

Luke Garside

It's qp, people don't play to win, they play to have fun.

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