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PS4 What's everyone's opinion on hardcore mode? Whenever I get bored of the usual ark...

  • Thread starter Brandon James Michie
  • Start date

Brandon James Michie

What's everyone's opinion on hardcore mode?

Whenever I get bored of the usual ark nonsense, I switch it up and challenge myself. See how well I can do solo.

Welp. My last hardcore game, I had a great base, great area, friendly alliances. I was lvl 83. BY MYSELF

Then the unthinkable happened.

I was crossing over the snow biome on the island on a pteranodon-- I had less than half HP, starving, and freezing. I could see my base from where i was.. Annnnnnnd my game crashed.

When i logged back on, i was still alive, buuuut i was slowly dying.. annnd stuck in a crevice... with my bird close enough to whistle at, but not far enough for it to actually fly towards me when out on follow.

RIP Tyrone Biggums

Jonah Chavanne

Hardcore mode? I wasn't aware of this?

Dee Loco

If you wanna up the ante hardcore mode on scorched earth insta death

Seth Thurman

Rip Tyrone biggums

Henare Raniera

Haha hardcore is the shit I was the alpha of 398 scorched earth

Ben Young

I started playing hardcore on ragnarock cos it was the only one i could space in. Got really into it. Had to stay solo after getting double crossed 3 times and i've never got past level 25. Frustrating fun.

John Coff

Thats the problem with hard core, blu screen lag etc ruins it

Brandon James Michie

There was another instance when I first got into hardcore.

I was allied with someone close to me, and was on my way back to base.

I guess we had raiders around-- cause I passed someone on a raft and they had a cannon and a small shelter on it.

I stopped to question them 'cause they were awfully close to my buddies base.

They said they were just passing by, looking for a good area to build.

I figured okay, no worries, and I went on my way..

One guy was like "Hey man! Hold on a second!"

And when I stopped to type, he 1-shot me with a rifle.

Here's the kicker. They raided my base before going to his.

They stole and killed me with my own fucking rifle

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