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Tips for Orisa, Roadhog and Rein? I mostly play D.Va and Winston (sometimes Zarya),...


Cynthia Morissette

Tips for Orisa, Roadhog and Rein? I mostly play D.Va and Winston (sometimes Zarya), but I wish to play all the tanks so I can be more versatile with them! ^^

Bianca Dallaire Desrochers

Dont die

James Cayleb Carlton

Hook and shoot is your best strat

Matthew Robinson

push with your teamates and use your health to create space for your dps to hit dem shots.

Robby Sawicki

with orisa never not have your sheild on cooldown

Robby Sawicki

use your pull to bring enemies closer or to combo with roadhog

Robby Sawicki

with rein play aggro and swing at corners

Robby Sawicki

build ult

Robby Sawicki

with hog bring enemies into your team

Ionut Buteica

rein, use the payload to your advantage, if it turns left stay to the right of it, if it turns right stay to the left of it, turn the shield around if your supports are being attacked, don;t be afraid to also bring it down and hammer them to force them back (ain't no one messing with our supports), counter charge the enemy doomfist/rein (always, as soon as you press the charge button that's it you won't get pinned or punched instead you'll both get stunned), use firestrike only till you charge your ult then stop using it unless you can get a kill with it, don't be afraid to shatter 1-2 players (believe me if the firestrike hits multiple targets you get it back fast), always shatter firestrike charge if you can;t get to the enemies in time, else shatter firestrike melee, bait out the enemy rein shatter(lower the shield and bring it back up, go into a brawl with him and suddenly pull up the shield stuff like that) and keep track of it, always, try and give cover to the team to pass certain points (IE temple of anubis first point aswell as second, you can just block the entire connector to the left flank and they can pass freely), if you get nano boosted DO NOT i repeat DO NOT charge wildly in... if you're not in a position to attack just let that nano expire, not worth risking yourself and the team for that. and most important pieces, don't be afraid to be a meatshield if it is needed, you have a large pool with a good amount of armor you can take some beating, always leave the barrier with 200 points or so because you can completely negate some ults with it and unavoidable damage. and try to swing the hammer if someone comes into your range, make em fill the cold steel.

Achilles Cao

well watch stream or some match on youtube
Xqcs for orisa and cloneman66 for reinhardt
If u play orisa and hog u should spam as much as u can to their tank and shield to make them busy but dont push too far from your healers protact and stick with other tank
About reinhardt u should learn co counter the other hero
Timing ulti from enemy
Hold shield dont break it and dont pin out of your team
Im not good at english but im truly tank main 4500+

Johnathan Walker

Orisa - learn to dance around your shield when you're being flanked by tracers/genjis. You can win duels against them by shooting them while going in, out & around your barrier. Then there's the obvious things like learning her tracking, when to use & not use fortify, etc

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