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Orisa Tips! Since I feel some of you dont really know how to play her. When playing...


Laura Younes

Orisa Tips! Since I feel some of you dont really know how to play her.
When playing offensively, dance around your shield. Meaning dont stand still. Orisa is a big girl, so its easy to shot at her. When playing her offensively, take advantage of "Halt"! This is especially helpful when your shield is down and it's still cooling off.

The Sheild can protect you from's nerf. So when you hear that bitch, throw up your shield. Try and include the bulk of your teammates behind it.

Fortify can protect you from Mcree's high noon, Ragnaroks Pin. It also helps if you use fortify while Mercy gives you an attack boost.

Orisa's ult is REALLY GOOD AT CHOKE POINTS. Be aware on how many teammates are playing. It's best used when team members are alive. When you are stuck with an objective. Or when your whole team ambushes to gain the objective. Use your ult and throw your shield in front of it.

Remember, Orisa is a support character. You dont really choose her with the idea of going solo. You see a bastion or a trobjorn turret. Throw your shield in front of them. Orisa is best utilized combo'ed with other players in the game.

More tips are appreciated. :)

Juliet Rebecca Stacey

Saving this! Thank you so much! (3

Timothy Fletcher Baer

Orisa is a baller. Loads of staying power and a nice long range gun for a tank.

Drew Franko

Don't forget to save your team mates from a pin by grabbing big daddy rien mid charge with you orb.. it yanks him off target or stops him from hitting wall..

Drew Franko

Also she is a great counter pick to basically all tanks aside from zarya.... she counter picks a torb and bastion also ... her shield halt and damage output ends those two turretted fucks...

Drew Franko

And to clarify she is a main tank/support hybrid made to front line and draw fire.... the shield dancing should be used similar to Winston bubble dance ... if you are behind your shield and are not vulnerable to flanking fire don't move it will only fuck your accuracy up..

Drew Franko

Orisa is perfect for when you are facing a triple tank and defence on a choke map ... she also lands head shots on reapers fairly easily due to his larger hit box than normal dps.. doomfist has hard time with her.. I also find there is something about mei' s hit box that makes her easier to hit with orisa gun that may have to do with mei' s movement speed also tho

Alexander Deters

Bitch learn grammar

Jerry Chrysostome

On attack throw your shield at the enemies feet and walk up to it. Start spamming your gun at shield and tanks. If your aim is good prioritize Flankers to keep make them waste their abilities.

Timothy Fletcher Baer

orisa gun does not have damage falloff, so if aiming at, say, a Pharah a long ways off, find that sweet spot where you're actually hitting. it takes a second, but once you start hitting it's pretty easy to keep doing so.

If a hero runs at you (which is what they should do) shoot a halt over their head then aim at the orb. They'll be sucked directly backward and you can hit them with your gun the whole time.

Laura Younes

Fortify can also help with mei's freeze ability. It stop you from freezing and also fortify can stop you from getting hooked by roadhog. It slips right through.

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