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Okay, people. Need some help. So, I recently switched to PC after playing on console...


Dalton Skiles

Okay, people. Need some help. So, I recently switched to PC after playing on console for a year. On PS4, I'm mid to high Plat. On PC, I feel like I'm playing like a total noob and am having issues getting used to WASD and the button layout. Any tips or tricks you can think of? I've changed all my reticles, my sensitivities, I'm using the practice area, as well as Ana bots with headshots only. While there's improvement, it seems to be pretty slow. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know it's going to take practice, and I don't expect it to happen overnight, just seeing if there's something I'm missing. Appreciated, all!

Justin Becker

I'm in the same boat. Just keep playing, and you'll start to build muscle memory. I started with easier to play heroes like Symmetra and Winston and started slowly working my way from there.

Alex Vilaplana

Use a joystick then

Ryan Stoops

It's not instant. It takes time to get used to a new platform. Overwatch was my first PC FPS game, and it took me a bit to get it. I would recommend you play a lot of ffa and keep 1 sensitivity so you can get used to it.

Rachel Mertes

I switched awhile back and it’s pretty much what everyone else is saying, you’ll feel like a noob for a long time but you’ll slowly get better at it and eventually you’ll wonder how you even used to play on console

Sarah Rose

Just play more. Don't comp until level 50

Tj Pho

I did the exact same thing. Finished console at diamond and placed gold as soon as i hit 25 on pc. Worst decision. Keep playing qp and practice a lot. I play at a masters level now and im currently in diamond. But thats because i took a good amount of time getting used to m&k and gettig better at it than people who already played pc long before me lmao but im a quick learner. So again, keep playing and practicing to get used to m&k

Alonso Cruz

Took me a week

Brian Moffett

Honestly it just takes some time to build the muscle memory and dexterity for pc. I'm the same with console lol

Linus Backman

a tip is to lower your sens so when you take your mouse from the left edge of the mousepad and drag it to the right edge your character should do a 360 spin best tip i got atleast

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