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PC I'm beginning to see a trend where people say Destiny 1 was better. I'm a PC player...


Ruben Braz

I'm beginning to see a trend where people say Destiny 1 was better. I'm a PC player and didn't play the 1st one. Can any of the D1 players enlighten us, why was it better?

J-b Behnke

In a few words, more content, more difficult

Kwi'et Tyree

The people that say D1 is better don't realize D1 had like 3 years of DLC. So 3years of DLC vs. New game. It's only natural the one with 3 years of dlc seems more fleshed out

Ruben Braz

Yes comparison has to be for both games as of launch.

Mitchy Baeten

Destiny 1 in the beginning had lesser content... the drops of engrams were rare and so on. Destiny 2 is better.

Kai Pickerin

D2 is better. Just hasn’t had 3 years of dlc and updates yet. D1 player and it was great, but d2 feels so much smoother and balanced

Mack Doc

destiny 1 better exotics better pvp better raid is way better and noghtfall exotics were harder to get and they were not shit like now

Ryan Ariti

I feel as if this is the case I'm going to play warframe

Dakota DeRaad

I'm finding that the strikes in D1 is better so far than D2 that's about it. That's imo though. I still enjoy the very little strikes I have done in D2 though more unique in a way instead of just running and killing stuff. D2 there is a little objectives you have to do during fights or going,towards somewhere which makes it more team based. Easier to carry this time around on just normal strikes. I can have 140+ kills while other to are sitting around 70.

Mack Doc

and they already said they made destiny 2 more casual game so its just easy to get everything no unique stuffs

Giovanni Milani

Raid gear and exotics were harder to get and much more useful. Now you don't need them at all, playing to get them is meaningless

Jason Cooper

D1 pvp was amazing. Was so exciting and fun to watch. D2 pvp is not. The strikes in d2 are boring and very easy and bland. The patrol again is completely useless. The gear is constant supply of duplicates that you end up deleting. Less vault space than before. Sure it should not be compared to a 3 year game. But where is all the stuff from the 3 years. They just took it all away. Why ? Probably to sell it to us with dlc. It should not of been released with this lack luster amount of content. The figures from twitch and destiny tracker show this game is no where near as popular.
It’s very casual and giving players who had a hard time in d1 that feeling of being godly. I find the people who cries in d1 are the people who love d2. Who doesn’t like putting 1 bullet into an enemy and getting assist counts as kill. You don’t even have to work for a kill in this game haha

Rene Ramos

I had 2500 hours in D1 played D2 on PS4 and now on PC. D2 overall better then D1 entire DLC etc.

Mika Melin

First original destiny 1 with no dlc was worse... I still enjoyed it a lot but I mostly see a loot of improvements overall in d2

Thomas Pfeifer

it isnt better wtf, they just mad because "destiny 1 got more content", destiny 2 is just playable for 2 months right now, it will have more content than destiny 1!!! without any dlcs, destiny 2 already got more content than destiny 1 in the first days ...

Tony Burgess

To put it simply there was no content in D1 but there was a reason to play the end game, grinding for better rolls on weapons armour. D2 has loads of content but simply no reason to play it.

Ben Powell

more content in d1, really??? You must be delusional, maybe worth all the dlc but not the base game, base game had fuck all content.

Thomas Pfeifer

if someone says "destiny 1 pvp is better" its just sad.. bungie worked 3 years for the "perfect" balancing in pvp. think about it.. we can be happy that there is no op suros or vex in destiny 2

Harry Bailey

The strikes were better imo the pvp was also better more engaging and fun. I hate the way shotguns snipers etc are put in the powerful weapon slot. Destiny one when you got an exotic it was the most exciting feeling ever but in D2 anytime a legendary or exotic drops I honestly don't care. D2 is also way too easy and I'm bored already and Iv barely played the game whereas I was literally addicted to destiny 1

Roberto Naldi

Nostalgia glasses do this for every game, but vanilla Destiny was a nightmare at launch. Sure Vault of Glass was maybe the best raid ever, still I think 1/4 of the player base could get it done so it was meaningless for the bigger part of the community. Also harder doesn't necessarily means better; IMO a games content shouldn't be accessible only by the minority of the population because of braggin' rights, surely D2 is maybe too easy as it is now, but there's still time to tune things. Also, about DLCs, I think it's a good way to keep the cash flowing for shared world online game like this, I've played WoW for 12 years, so a 40 bucks season pass for a year of content doesn't scare me at all...

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