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If you Play a Healer and refuse to Heal someone because you are mad at the Person what...

  • Thread starter Anna Lisa Friedrich
  • Start date

Anna Lisa Friedrich

If you Play a Healer and refuse to Heal someone because you are mad at the Person what so ever then switch off or leave the Game. You are Healer, then heal people and losing the Game because you refused to heal the last Person on Point because you are Mad is just dumb and Childish. Coming from a Healer Main.

Emil Ferrer

someone is not being healed.

but as an ana main. i feel you.

Oscar Gardea

I disagree, people who arw being assholes to you don't deserve to get healed I had instances where everyone auto locks on 3 dps and there is only one tank and they get pissed off because I priotize tanks, and I slowly watch them crumble on their misery.

Emil Ferrer

^when everyone acts like an asshole, dont be like one.

Briana Kutsch

I had someone throw a fit because I took mercy (I have almost 500 hours on her) and they thought that they would be super cool and try to throw. Someone on the other team left and we won.

Tung Nguyen

Kinda like last night. I choose rein, solo tank. My entire team fights at their spawn and dies. I go mei. Stupidity builds toxicity lol

Scott Mancevice

Every time i play Mercy and have a Hanzo on my team, i think to my self, I hate Hanzo, I'm not healing him, but then i do anyway cause i wanna win

Rose Rend

If someone is being a dick, no, I won't be healing you.

I call it timeout, I'll heal you again eventually. If you want to try and make the game un-enjoyable for me then I'll find a way to make it enjoyable again.

And to clarify I don't do it in competitive because my team as a whole is more important.

Brandon Marleau

Playing support is just so stressful. People need help and I'm happy to provide. But when I'm just trying to do my job and I'm called trash for picking Mercy and I didn't get to you in time it's just like why am I even bothering to help a community that actively hates support mains rn.

April Priest

Ive had people who insta lock mercy get mad at the dps picks, refuse to heal them and only heals the tank. I just switch to zen or ana and heal the rest of the team.

Aaron Kimble

Ive done it in quickplay. Tank wasnt protecting me, and kept letting me die, and bitched about me dying. So i just healed eveyone else and let the D.VA die

Ben Suskic

There are games where theres only a single mercy and if you get a mei on attack that never cuts anyone off but blocks the point, or a hog who keeps going in alone, its probably best they die asap

Ole Håvard Furuseth Bergan

I Ask nice if everyone can join voicechannel so I can communicate with them.

I refuse to heal people that are in retarded spots I can’t reach them. But I try to communicate so we still can make it

Meaghan Rhiannon

Your grammar is painful

Laxsuss Kun

as a junkrat main i hardly care about my healers if they heal me good for them more ult charge if not, then *finds the nearest healthpack*, might or might not die while im at it but if i had a competent mercy holding m1 on my all the time i would ez take out the tanks and a dps at least

Danny Randall

What if i play lucio and play dps should I never play :?

Jordan Hermes Smart

I'm a Lucio main, so I can't help who I heal

Jordan Hermes Smart

I only refuse to go out of my way to heal you if you go stupidly overextending and you put the both of us in danger. I had to get on a Roadhog's case about one time, he kept over extending and then getting trapped behind a Mei wall and bitched at us when we wouldn't heal him

Eliezer Roman

Played healer on a very hard qp match. only healer in stack. They got the payload like half a payload away from finish on Dorado. I switched to junkrat and someone else switched to lucio. We won. we were defending

Zac Murphy

Yep. As a healer main, this is fact. The only time you aren't getting healed is if you've overextended and I'm sure I can't get you out without dying

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