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I’m a support main on Xbox and I’m looking for tips on playing Ana better. I’m not...


Aaron Wood

I’m a support main on Xbox and I’m looking for tips on playing Ana better. I’m not bad at playing her , but not amazing at her either.

Kristopher Cheney

Ana has an incredible kit. Get used to her kit combos in order to protect yourself. Other than that with being on Xbox (I am too) it's just practice. Aiming on Xbox is stupid compared to what you see on PC.

Claire Stark

Start a custom game and set the cooldowns to 0.
From here, practice with the AI and try and master the sleep dart. Use tanks first as they're bigger, then work up to the smaller heroes. Once you can sleep a tracer/mcree, then at least you can survive a surprise encounter. Staying alive is THE hardest thing to learn with ana, so there's my top tip.
Hope it helps!

Matthew Robinson

Playing death match is great to learn to deal with surprise encounters and defend yourself

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