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So, I’m interested in hearing some different points of view. If you’re a support main,...


David Morrell

So, I’m interested in hearing some different points of view. If you’re a support main, why? What makes you wanna play support? For me I main support because I enjoy the feeling of keeping my team alive and I get satisfaction from completing turning a fight in our favor PS I don’t want to make this about whether or not supports take skill or not, I’m just curious why others main support

Sam Piel

I main Lucio since I'm a terrible mercy especially after the rework. It started off as a filling thing when I discovered how much fun he is to play. Now I have 43 hours on him.

Angie Marie

Because I like choosing who lives or dies xD

Amanda Kristeen Zimmer

I just like helping people, honestly. I'm not super good at the game but I'm actually really good at healing so it's the way I can help my team the most.

Donny Juan

im not a sup main but i like to be silver damage with 3dps in my team and laugh on how bad they are

Carlos Rangel

I love hitting every shot with Anna

Josue Ortiz

I main Ana on PS4 because I love proving my team that a good Ana can outheal almost any Mercy

Aaron Lewis Hernandez

I am not a support main, but I find it extremely fun to play characters like Mercy and Moira. Mercy allows me to feel like I am winning a match by myself because I am keeping people alive. Moira, however, is just my favorite playstyle.

Matt Pulliam

I love picking Moira and nobody thinks I'm going to dps, then I get 3-5 golds anyway and ez wins

Shaun Spragans

I main support because no one else will

DeArius Fene-x Johnson

Because Zenyatta is a LEGEND !!!!

Luke Schirmer

I usually play support because I can't trust the average player to flex into support and play the role properly. Support requires a different awareness and mindset. DPS players trying to support don't do a good job because they don't position themselves to survey the entire fight and aren't used to using a kit that is designed to create imbalance IN DIRECT SYNERGY with other players. Getting on the front line and trying to secure kills as a general playstyle is so far removed from what is required from a support player that I tend to win more when I play support. Zen and Moira mostly for me

Miia Hatunen

I just love the feeling of helping my team in the best way i can. I've started to main mercy and it feels so good when i save someone, often also winning the game for my team. I feel like i matter.

David Morrell

If you just read these comments and nothing else, it’s almost like Overwatch isn’t toxic at all

Miia Hatunen

David Morrell healing, isn't it? ;D

Virginia Nelson

I just enjoy seeing people die through walls and watching their bodies fly across the map. It's funny. Mercy mains here

Nelson Dunn

Started out trying to main gengi that didn't work out so I went to almost every character tried Lucio mained him eventually gained 120 hrs then went to play other supports and I came to realize that playing support just comes naturally to me

Ashley Skye-Michelle Hill

I mainly play support because it’s what I’m best at. I’m a flex player and /will/ play whatever needs to be filled but if it comes down to me choosing to fill dps or filling support, I will almost always pick support, I feel like someone else in my team will be a better dps that I am.

......And nobody wants to fill support in the matches I’m in....

Lara Vermilion Pashalek

A few reasons: I love the thrill of being able to keep myself alive and the rest of the team alive in turn. I feel powerful knowing that my skills are helping the team win that way! I also have anxiety and I like to feel as comfortable playing as possible. Playing heals and playing well gives me the most control over what I’m doing and I don’t get flustered because I know where I’m supposed to be and I don’t have to worry about not being healed or if the rest of the team is behind me~

Cornelia Klefelt

I started maining zen because I loved his kit and aesthetic, but he was too weak in the beginning so I tried Lucio out because I didn't like how team dependent the other healer (mercy) was. I totally tell in love with him because he's soooooo much fun to play!! (My first 30hrs were just. lucio. Lol) His skill floor was also really high before 2.0 so he was an easy character to begin with. Now I just keep playing support because it's what I'm used to and it has my 2 favs, Lucio and zen, tho I'm branching into tank as well!

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