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PC 3 hours of DLC content and that's it ? Not even an open world ? Just 1 tiny public...


Adriana Guerra

Just De$tiny and Bungie thing$... Destiny 1 players will know this very well.

Anthony Veronesi

People who complain about businesses charging money for products are the bottom of the societal barrel. Go live on a commune peasants. Video games are for people that have money to spend.

Romi Altmeri

What's wrong with you anyway ? Did I ever complain about money or the price ? Not in a single sentence did I complain about money. I don't care what the price was, this was supposed to be the first sooo big "Expansion" It's not.

Anthony Veronesi

Not everything is about you Romi Altmeri

Shivam Pathania

sam here ;-; m gonna buy expansion even tho i know its not much content , but i need it to unlock everything in this game ! we all expected more ! plus they took fukkin robes of optimacy away from me :( no chance me for me to get them now :(

Shivam Pathania

and dude chill ._.

Zane Aiello

15$ for in all reality 8-10hrs of fun PER character. And people complain. If people really complain about 15$ for some fun. Then I sure hope you guys don't own homes, cars, pets, etc. because 15$ shouldn't effect you really at all in the real world. Haha.

Jerome Holzberger

I kinda agree, I’ve only made it through the campaign and the adventures that come after that and I wasn’t blown away by it, sure it was cool but that’s it.

Next week is what I’m looking forward to the masterworks weapons should be super interesting and we don’t know what is coming with the dawning yet, maybe we will get strike scoring again like D1 who knows we’ll have to wait n see what deej says in the TWAB post tommorow

Laurentiu Stefan

My only problem is the CHAT , why the hell don't we get CHAT !! :)) the dlc story is short but the content added isn't , for an dlc it's quite decent . still .. NO CHAT !!!! someone make a petition !!

Anthony Veronesi

I would rather not have to hear/see all the idiotic rambling. Just get a group and get discord. It's FREE which I know will appeal to most of you.

Jack Winter

well you might not gotten open word stuff but least you guys need open doors :D

Adam Reed

Well... This expansion literally cost me 10 dollars cause I got deluxe from Greenman gaming months ago for 80 bucks. Shop smart I got my money's worth... Plus those master works will be out in a week and that alone should be worth it

Christopher Cooper

Destiny 1 had the exacr same issues, it took the taken king dlc to sort of make destiny 1 a good game, bungie are constantly learning and evolving this game to attempt to suit everybody, house of wolves was about 3 hours long with hardly any end game other than the prison of elders (which was fucking brilliant) by the time the second dlc is out we should hopefully see some improvements, what annoys me is people are so quick nowadays to jump on a bandwagon and slate rather than take time to look at what makes destiny so good. I am very annoyed with the lack of content this dlc has dropped but oh well haha, hopefully its sorted with the next dlc and they bring things inbetween like something similar to sparrow racing or something new. Just wait and see.

Romi Altmeri

Well, Bungie had years to learn and yet, they made all the same mistakes with Destiny 2. THAT's what's unacceptable,

Adam Reed

Honestly Romi Altmeri, I don't think its that bad. Like I said, I paid 10 bucks for it and we get more weapons, armor, new play space, strikes, crucible maps, and the infinite forest which I played through a few times and it really does change. I'm not sure if you are expecting an expansion to be a whole extra game or what but I guess I'm easily pleased

Adam Reed

And a new raid lair... Can't forget that

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