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Xbox One PEOPLE HATE CHANGE. PERIOD! Its the law of the fucking world. I heard this saying one...


James Smith

Its the law of the fucking world. I heard this saying one time that went like this " People do not want to change until the pain of remain the same becomes greater than changing." Its fucking true. He even followed it by "the only person open to change are babies/ kids" Its to much truth in this man... listen to me really quick....

*Im not a admin god. IMPORTANT (always remember this)

When I see there is a problem I try to fix it with setting OR MY WALLET (im not talking big money. im still poor).

People play at 4 Players Server and LOSE EVERYTHING all the time. This is full PVP NO RULES. But when a player falls and loses everything I.... ME ... I.. the guy whos paying for everything lose a player from my server.
But im not going to tell my savage players to ease up. They are playing PVP... PVP... PVP Ark the way it was meant to be played
*Im not a admin god. IMPORTANT (always remember this)

How do I slow down the raiding? Im losing my fucking mind.
I created a crop economy for the players. It gave players something else to do... it slowed down raiding..... for a little bit...
I have to think of something else now.

I decided to add The Center with custom settings.
I pulled gun powder, I also dont let players build past stone. Its no need for medal when you dont have gun power.
I added Kibble to the drops (only server on the cluster with kibble drops) and I also added shocking dart to drops.

If you collect the kibble, and shoot anything with a few SHOCKING DARTS thats a insta tame. You cant do that anywhere in my cluster without putting in some serious ground work. None of these servers arnt that boosted. EVERYTHING HAS VALUE for that reason.

The idea of The Center was to create a respawn point for fallen or new players, while still reaming full PVP. (You can still get raided on The Center, its primitive style). Nothing can come to The Center besides your charterer but everything can leave The Center. If you start Lvl 1 on The Center, unless your Center base gets wipe (which hasn't happened yet. population 16) you will have a constant respawn with a base, raw materials, weapons, dinos everything!!! You can transport all your shit to Rag or The Island (Not SE and Ab)
*Im not a admin god. IMPORTANT (always remember this)

I really made it this simple to not lose everything.
BUT YOU WILL NEVER KNOW IF YOU NOT WILLING TO ACCEPT CHANGE. Its just little different. My Center map is what players need to have multi month runs.

4 Players Server

Jack Zernia

Trav Mill he may be on to something. Sounds like hes dealing with the same issues as us.

Justin Odefey

Great idea. I’ve never understood people leaving servers after being wiped or raided. You still have to start over regardless ?

Stephanie Lorenson

Sounds like you may need a PvE area for all the whiny babies.

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