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I've been hearing alot of people moan about Moira mains not healing and as a convert...


Connor Glasby

I've been hearing alot of people moan about Moira mains not healing and as a convert Moira main (used to be a zen main) I'm going to tell you why Moira mains do not heal as much as other support characters.

1. Moira isn't just a support, her ability to combo both her beam and orb to do massive damage can help the team out a lot which can result in your team getting a cap on a point easily.

2. I've found that there damage capability is the easiest way to build up ult charge which she can use to either distract the enemy and get them to focus you while your team pushes or to heal the entire team at the most crucial time.

3. There is a misconception that Moira's healing orb can only lock onto one person, this isn't true. Her orb has the ability to lock onto two team mates and using it for one team mate can seem like a waste of an ability.

4. Her healing beam is weak at trying to keep a team mate alive, using a combo of healing orb and healing beam seems the most effective but her healing beam wasn't designed for a solo heal which brings me to point 5.

5. Her healing abilities should be used for team heals when the team are close to each other. Most of the time the team is too scattered to make used of this ability so we just don't bother.

6. With the ability to fade in and out of the team, we can cause so much agro for the enemy team that they just do not know what to do when they encounter this kind of Moira player. This can essentially help the team push forward and destroy the enemy team even if it means we have to sacrifice a team mate.

7. She has the ability to stay on a point and her damage orbs and beam helps her a lot when the game is in overtime as we can take our two, maybe three of their players and give our team an advantage to cap and win.

8. Moira is also designed to be in the thick of combat with tanks. Her ability to combo heal and damage allows her to be on the frontline instead of standing back like a mercy would normally do. It also means we can defend our tanks from characters who could easily counter them which means they can stay alive longer and cause pain to the enemy.

9. Her ability to gain at least 3 gold medals a game is also a factor to why most Moira's are DPS instead of just a healer. A higher level Moira can gain 5 gold medals easily and carry the entire team with just one character.

10. A Moira cannot over extend like mercy can because her fade ability has a cooldown. If we feel that a player is not worth two of us dying then we won't just bother trying to get to them to heal them and without the heal combo, our orbs are wasted.

There are probably more points but this is just an overall view of what I think of the hero and how I play her so don't think that this is the same for everyone.

Preston Thomas

Ur one of the people that throw damage orbs during teamfights arnt you

Chrisna Liu

agreed.some teammates still want moira that 70% heals only tho and complains 'why u kill,u're not dps shit' 24/7

Adalberto Anaya Jr.

I have many things to say about this as a Moira main....

Adalberto Anaya Jr.

okay first off what is your definition of a "Moira Main" (also sorry in comp rn, delayed responses for a sec)

Dylan Floyd

If I'm out healing moria with Zen there's somthing wrong and it happends alot witch forces me to play a nother healer just to keep up even though when I play moria I'm always over 10 k healing people need to learn how to play her right you can kill and heal

Tom Bears Borselli

I play Moira as my 'fuck we need more heals and nobody is protecting me as Zen' (Zen main here) and I do fine healing and DPS. Her spray is insanely strong with everybody grouped up, her fade is amazing for survivability and Coalescence is easily a sister to Transcendence. A bit weaker but much faster to get so it's completely worth popping to keep that pick up. I easily break 10k like it's nothing, in usually disappointed with myself if I don't go over 12k.

Caleb Popan

In my comp games I usually out heal the Mercy/Other healers, and out damage the Dps

Sam Wilkinson

Whilst the reasons listed are probably genuine for you at least, I've literally had matches quite regularly where moira is standing next to me as a tank taking a shit load of damage and she continued dealing damage, yes you have to do damage to refill heal juice but it doesn't take much damage to do so.

Immanuel Figueroa

A simple tap of that feelgoodjuice is a great way to measure her capability as a healer, most dps/support only require a very little amount of that good stuff to get back on their feet. When your whole team is getting spammed, a spam of healjuice and health orb can easily be compared to a Lucio with mercy strength heals

Michael Klick


Adalberto Anaya Jr.

OKAY this might get long so STRAP IN!
first off I wanna say I also Mian Moira, my backround before Moira was that of a Tank/Support flex, as in if ANY support or healer needed to be played I'm your guy. that being said I can play all supports proficiently to some degree.
and I'm just going to flat out say I disagree with this post.
1. about her mixing her damage orb and beams to do MASSIVE damage is correct, but with everything there is a time, and place. but I'll get more into that in a bit
2. this point is up for debate, it depends, it relies heavily on the settings, say if I were to be pumping out healing like nobody's business I could have roughly 3k healing within the first minute and Ulted, and be somewhat near my second ult shortly after, the damage orb only does 200 damage, and is easier to use, toss it into the enemy team(if they don't have D.Va for example) and there, bam! 10% Ult charge for free, but if it's say a push Iprefer to set up an almost preemptive healing orb in a very specific spot(say in a choke where it will bounce back, and forth. and in doing this 1, the orb doesn't instantly go to Narnia, and more often than not you will use all of the healing orb up which doesn 300 healing, and can gain more Ult charge meaning more healing/damage in the long run. there's also the argument that you can do MUCH more healing than you can damage in a set time frame.
3. the beauty of the healing Orb is that it lasts a whole 10 seconds(the time it takes to get another orb), and again if placed very strategically can net a TON of healing, but the point of using the orb instead of primary fire is that you save recource, which is VERY important,and you won't have "wasted" that cooldown if say damage rolls in soon after because the orb will still be around till you get another one, as well as the fact that you'd have more recource because of you saving it, and used the Orb instead.
4. I'm not sure what this means exactly, no one assumes it's for solo healing, but it IS very nice if used right, and yes the orb+spray is a VERY effective burst healing tool, although I'm not too sure what he means here.
5. see in a tricky scenario like this it's more about picking, and choosing who to heal, who is more safe, who can hold out, as to partition the healing fairly, and effectively, and with your mobility it's very possible, but on the other hand, using your shift to GET to an ally taking damage wouldn't be advised. but yes, an unspoken law of healing is you kinda can't bother healing certain targets if it can't be helped(too dangerous, too far, out of line of sight, etc.)
6.the Fade ability is a very strong, and IMPORTANT one, in most cases I'd reserve it's use as a "get out of Jail free card", as in only use it when you REALLY need it because you don't really want to be caught in a dangerous situation without it. fading in, and out leaving you without your most useful tool for escape.
7. in Overtime you can go one of two ways, damae up the wazoo for those important picks, or heal up the wazoo for that sustain, personally I prefer to keeping everyone up during overtime to so make sure that the fight stays up so that people with the more lethal abilities can put in work, while keeping a better team pressance.
8. ,yes Moira can indeed be in the thick of it, but think about this, Moira's secondary fire has a reach of 20 meter. that is a LOT, her healing spray isn't too short either, you want your tanks in front of you, the reason being that A you can damage safely behind them while having the range to reach past them, as well as being able to safely heal them without missing a moment of what's going on through the entire fight, information is a very valuable weapon for a support hero. and not being in the front line means it's just a safer situation for you WHILE exacting the max ammount of damage/healing possible, maybe even moreso than if you were in the front.
9.yeah, I get roughly 3-5 golds per game, but what does that matter, for one, not all of those eliminastions are solo kills, she has pretty much what we'd call splash damage, and usually you have a hand in every kill even if as much % as 10 damage or so, and that counts as an elim, it's just giving a false attitude to people who think that they're better than the dps for some reason, whereas for example a hero like Mccree, or Widow who has to be more precise with their shots, and tend to secure kills solo it means a lot more if they had gold elims.
10. it has already been stated that your life is not worth an already lost target, but that neing said NO ONE can overextend, an overextended mercy dies VERY quickly. if anything Moira has better chances of living if say she can fade away, but it's not worth the risk.
to be perfectly honest I didn't know that "DPS Moira was even a thing till shortly ago, no ones ever told me that I need to focus on healing because she's a Main healer, she can outheal EVERY other healer in the game hands down. her damage should USUALLY be a means to be able to heal more as opposed to a main focus, fins=ding that balance of damage, and haling as no be able to effectively heal forever as her primary spray is VERY potent. even a spritz can guarantee 50+ healing as it has healing over time as well. I am a Moira main, I have over 100 hours on her. had games with healing with 30k+ multiple times, and have a healing average of 13k per 10 minutes, roughly 1.3k healing per minute Baseline, as certain circumstances can yield much much more. she isn't as cut, and dry as people might think.

Alonso Cruz

What’s your sr

Calum Stewart

Moira mains defending Moira - 'We literally deal the lowest damage in the game'

Moira mains explaining why they don't heal - 'We use our orb combined with our beam to deal MASSIVE damage'

Nice logic, you left click holding toss pots

Benjamin Button

i didnt even bother reading the post but my friend went from hardstuck diamond to climbing over 3700 basically 1tricking moira getting 30-40% team damage healing done every game almost never using a damage orb. he also in the games he climbed maybe lost like.. 2 games?

Tricia Stevens

As a Moira player, if I’m not healing you and I am dpsing is because A. My ball is on cooldown and B I healed you already and am out of pee juice and am trying to get that back up by dpsing

Hiten Kadam

Nah I’m still gonna Be loyal to My master Zen i’m never gonna be a Moira main after reading this post

Aubrey Wilson

Moira is a healer and your priority is to heal. All you've said is invalid when your team is dying while you're dpsing. if you're out of healing resource it means you did not manage your resources properly. You are on the team to heal first damage second. moira's get gold elims because if anyone they touched with their damage orb dies they get credit for the kill. I see no justification for playing moira like a dps. she is a healer and if you're gonna take up a healer slot that someone else could take and keep the team alive, you're hurting your team. if you want to dps, play dps. don't take up a healer slot to dps. let someone else who will keep the team alive heal

Tom Bears Borselli

Honestly the only reason you should be focusing on DPS over healing is if your orb is on cool down and your spray is out. In which case, bad on you for not managing while healing your team

Adam Ricks

Moira's orb heals as many teammates as there are near it lmao it works just like the damage orb

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