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I'm having a bit of a dilemma. currently planning my new build and can't decide...

  • Thread starter Joshua Nicholson Uus'Gamor
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Joshua Nicholson Uus'Gamor

I'm having a bit of a dilemma. currently planning my new build and can't decide between Ryzen or the new Intels. I plan to start streaming along with the gaming I do as well.

Daniel Asherz

so you want one of us to pick it for you?

Dalton Heiland

Ryzen 1. Recent price drops make the 1700 cheaper than even a 8700 and socket compatibility till 2020. So 2020 hits grab a new cpu and get more life outta your rig. Intel needs a new chipset each gen, amd doesn't

Joshua Nicholson Uus'Gamor

I would actually like to hear some input from anyone using AMD. I've never used an AMD cpu before.

Gary Gerhardt

No issues with gaming on Ryzen

Damon Martin Jr.


1. We don't actually need a new chipset every time, and even when we do have those moments, Chance are, our cpu is gonna still be on par with that new ryzen in 2020.

2. Intel is more powerful. across a 9 game average at Full HD the 8700k "competitor" in the ryzen lineup performs more similar to an intel chip from 2015 (6th Gen 6700K).

3. Majority of us never upgrade our CPU's for years and years until the chipset is completely incompatible and the other options aren't worth the extra $. Definitely when u can drop the same amount on the next gen available at the time.

The only real perks of going ryzen is if you have demanding editing needs, demanding streaming needs, or are looking at more budget, less power. Which in u might save $50 if your lucky and have an underperforming CPU

Damon Martin Jr.

I'm not saying ryzen is trash. they are great chips. It's just... they aren't as good as Intel. I like the idea though. Im glad they actually can somewhat compete this time. And obviously sometimes they can be more bang for the buck... but when your gaming... most of us want the best thing we can get. now I just want amd's GPU branch to make something actually capable of fighting Team Green. :)

Dalton Heiland

Damon Martin Jr. Only chipset in recent time to allow more than one gen of cpu was the 100/200 chipset. Intel usually does not allow cpu generations one a single chipset like amd.

2. In gaming it is 5-10 fps difference @ 1080 but at high res that difference is 0-1 fps. I own 1800x and a 7700k.

3. Still having the option to upgrade over a new rig is still a better deal.

4. Ryzen is a multimedia powerhouse yes, but it is not an under performer and with the recent price cuts in time for zen+ these chips kick intel in cost to performance by a massive margin.

Damon Martin Jr.

Intel is pretty strict for their prices. but your paying for premium majority of the time. most gamers game at Full HD or 1440p which is where that 5-10fps comes into play. as of rn... 4k is just a dream. and btw... I'm pretty sure 300 is gonna last to 2020 aswell so if he jumps on the 8th gen branch he will be able to upgrade. why would Intel be so stupid not to compete in the chipset area as well? it's obvious they brought it in first to make that point. and btw... 2020 ain't that far away. chances are were gonna see maybe a 5 to 10fps gain before the chipsets change again... which most ain't going to go out and drop $300+ just for an extra 5fps. they are gonna wait for a leap like ryzen did when they made the Zen architecture. and it underperforms slightly. but I won't say it's bad. just... Intel is better. I mean... the best bang for the buck video card u can get on the market is a 1050Ti but I don't see very many people buying them unless it's all they can afford.

Damon Martin Jr.

gotta say, good job on your defense. I'm loving a debate where someone doesn't just go ham and throw a fit when I counter what they have to say. nice sportsmanship :)

Dalton Heiland

Amd has done chipset compatibility since the early 2000's. Intel not really. Only in recent memory has intel done it. " it's obvious they brought it in first to make that point." - intel did this as a precaution against ryzen. Where they would have succeeded is making 8th gen compatible with 100/200 chipset. It is possible and only intel didn't allow it for $$$.

Also, Vulkan and Dx12 are on the rise that use all cores of a cpu. Most games use 4 core/threads. As time progresses the 8 core ryzen will have more horse than a 6 core intel.

Damon Martin Jr., got agree with debate gj yourself.

Damon Martin Jr.

possibly but for time being majority is using 4c/4t and we might not see that end up fully implemented until 2020 or past. seeing as we are already in 2018 and it's very early in its stages.

Damon Martin Jr.

and yes, but maybe the 200 chipset was needing a replacement anyways and seeing as how ryzen is doing they will most likely be smart with the 300 series.

Damon Martin Jr.

Or atleast... let's hope. we can never understand Intel. I mean look at i9.

Dalton Heiland

Honestly for myself I am a huge multitasker and my 7700k is not cutting it anymore. my 1800x @ 4.5 ghz is much better for my use case than anything else. And intel's tim under the ihs is crap. Had to delid to do anything. Besides I also burnt out my 7700k, no joke, so intel procs arent as reliable anymore. Have had a 4770k,4790k,600k,6700k,7600k, and a 7700k and all burnt out within a year.

Damon Martin Jr.

dude what are you doing that burns them out? lol Jesus if you have damaged that many I'm curious what kinda load or such because I've built a few systems with these and their still standing well. only issues I've ever had were with old AMD chips. which has caused me to be slightly Intel biased but I never just remove ryzen from the picture. "know your enemy" is how they say it. but since your doing a ton of multitasking and probably rendering and such your best bet probably was the Zen architecture from the get go. their better for that but just a bit. just as Intel is better at gaming by just a bit.

Dalton Heiland

I am running a Manjaro based main os system with my Windows 10 in a vm with my 1080ti being used as gpu passthrough to the win vm. While gaming and etc... I am running blender and computational workloads. I had the 7700k OC'd for 3 months @ 5.2 ghz stable but now at that same voltage it can only hold a 4.7 =/.

Dalton Heiland

I either need a 1950x or this :

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Dalton Heiland

At those prices though, I would rather grab a 16 core for $850 rather than intel's 1500$+ equivelent.

Damon Martin Jr.

yeah.... Intel went nuts with i9. they made it kinda like it was a delicacy. they wanted to attract the rich to them cores with the high price thinking not many would have them and that their more "premium". not only that but studios and such. I follow LinusTechTips and watch his videos alot... and he seemed pretty dumbfounded by how ignorant Intel became when they released the i9 series.

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