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Any tips for playing/getting better with Genji? I play a lot of support but I'm trying...


Eren Pax

Any tips for playing/getting better with Genji? I play a lot of support but I'm trying to learn a couple DPS/offense characters. (Preferrably on console, I play on ps4)

Gabriel Boucher


Ted Clermont

If you wanna be the fastboi genji, put your sens all the way up, 0 aim smoothing, and linear ramp.

Go in the practice range for a good long while to get used to attacking while double jumping, dash reset, combos, and ult. Then go against bots. After that it's all about practice

Dinis Pedroso

Practise some of his usefull tricks with bots like for example the ghost dash; use primary fire when at long distance/chasing and use the second fire when up close; btw when you trying to dash on someone use the second fire before it; when engaging dash to the air , ult and then fall on the enemy supports and if they try to escape use the dash reset to chase them, just a last tip when against Mccrees if you deflect his stun dash to his feet to cancel the deflect and then finish him off. There is a lot to cover about him and overall getting good aim and reflexes will help you, so I recommend watching a lot of trick videos I will put one video with tips of him against everyhero.

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