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What do you think are the biggest roadblocks for each rank, that stop you from...


Kelli Flynn

The biggest disadvantage to play player is their defeatist attitude. They give up and lose morale far too easily.

Vynyl Shiro

Gold: communication and proper picks.

Ikce Toutcourt

From silver to diamond in my experience there's stubbornness, lack of maturity and poor team work in each elo.

Gold is probably the worst.

Grey Zell

How can u aim btw? :( Im bad at aiming

Aadil Saqib

All ranks up till gold is decent mechanical tbh. Hero comp, coordination, comms, game sense etc all comes later. Players in these ranks can't even aim,move or position or move properly. Partly why these ranks are carryable in the sense that the player with the best mechanical skill wins. Around the end of plat, it's the evolution to having decent mechanical skill combined with good game sense. Nothing too big. Basic stuff like not trickling in and waiting for the team to push.

I'm diamond now and I honestly can't figure out what I need to work on here tbh so I really can't say much. I time my engages with my team, don't waste ults when not needed.

I actually just had a Potg with Pharah in Anubis attack 2nd point where I just shoot rockets at a Zarya grav even when I knew I had ult. Why? Cause I also knew the Genji was probably gonna ult and that would be enough. They countered with a Dva ult while in grav and 3 people of our team died with 4 on their side. Then it dragged into a 2cp contest but fortunately I had my ult to secure the point.

My biggest problem is leveling my engages to my team. Some games my team dies the minute the fight begins and it drags like that throughout. We're talking steamroll kinda deaths. And I just don't know what to do at that point, especially as Tracer. I will literally wait around looking for a flank but nobody gets distracted enough for me to even go in.

Needless to say I still have a lot to work on but I'm confused as far as diamond is concerned. There's so many different games are won and lost that I really can't say which is are the major factors. I get that you called not playing as a team as the major reason but diamond has so far been much more coordinated as far as comms and coordination is concerned. I generally don't join voice chat but diamond voice chat is much more tolerable than gold and plat so there's that. Maybe once I rank up, I'll be able to come up with a conclusion based on the bigger picture.

Shannon Norris

What’s your stream name?

Harper Blake Rosati

I think the biggest issue of silver is everyone thinks they’re better than they are because they aren’t bronze... BRUH. CONSTANTLY dealing with those people who sprint into the thick and get obliterated. It’s very tiring.

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