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Switch So I need some advice regarding FIFA 18 for the Switch: 1. Is the game fun even for...


Arturo Perez Jr.

So I need some advice regarding FIFA 18 for the Switch:

1. Is the game fun even for someone who isn’t a big fan of soccer?

2. I have a PS4, but is the Switch version worth it even with some of its original features cut?

Let me know so I can make up my decision on whether or not I should get the game.

Sergio Quinones

I’m always trying to find people to play and it’s hard I can’t even finish a tournament because people are not playing

Nathan Klein


Alex Hayes

If u don’t like football then I’d say the game ain’t for you— not much to do apart from playing the game

Elias Figueiroa

1. don't like futebol? DONT buy it. 2. Its way best on PS4

Alex Hayes


Orion Cooper

I haven't played it much and I don't play sports games but I played a match and it was emotionally exhausting because of the excitement

Josh Brinton

The game runs on the same engine as FIFA 16, so don't expect any of the fancy effects that frostbite engine brings to the Xbox one and PS4 versions.
The gameplay much the same as the PS4 and xb1 versions, except 'the journey' is missing.
Using the joy cons on their side for 2 player is really not a nice experience.

My advice:
If you enjoy the ability to play it on the go, then go for it.
If playing FIFA on the go isn't a big deal, go for the PS4 edition

Robert Cortes

I don’t like soccer much but I’ve always loved soccer games. It’s a personal preference

Luiz Ramos

Can you play PS4 while you're pooping? I think you got your question answered.

Andrea Monteleone

1) Probably, if you consider Soccer for Fun and not on a Competitive Level
2)If you want """Ultra"" Powered Graphics go on PS4 with Frostbite. If you want a good "playeverywhere" Soccer Game is still great

I have both PS4 and Switch versions and i think that even if Switch version doesnt look good as the PS4 version is still great

David Nash

You’re only going to enjoy a football game if you’re remotely interested in football!

I bought FIFA for the Switch and it’s certainly playable - not as good as the Xbone/PS4 versions however. I bought it because I sold my other consoles, this was simply better than no FIFA and cheaper than buying a new console.

Abdelhamid Zarouati

1- It depends on whether you like football or not, other you're gonna try it for a couple of days then put it on a shelf to collect dust, that's what would happen with me if i tried to play NFL, I don't even know the game rules lol.
2- When it comes to FIFA it's best to get it on PS4, Xbox one, or PC. PS4 still is the best choice since the biggest part of the online community is on it. I wouln't get it for the Switch because it's not the same game as in the platforms mentioned earlier, FIFA 18 on them is running on Frostbite engine while the Switch version is running on Egnite engine which was used in FIFA 14 on previous consoles generation (x 360 and PS3) i guess. so basically it's not a real FIFA 18 what we're getting on the Switch. But if you can't give up the portability feature on the Switch i'd say go for it, it could be fun!

Pharaoh Ajay

1 fifa is extremely fun and addictive.
2 if u have PS4 get it for that. Much better graphics and features .

Miguel Zuñiga

I hadn't owned a FIFA game since 2012 so not having Journey Mode & not running on Frosbite did not phase me one bit. Game is fun. Mainly got it when I go hang out with my buddies we can play FIFA on the go.

Runs pretty smooth IMO, and graphics are fine. I'm sure not PS4 or X1 quality but really good for being handeld

Luis Reyes

I hate soccer and dont buy fifa games but if i have somebody to play with they are fun cause i only bought fifa 12 and loved it

Dylan Pereira

It has pretty bad reviews for the switch version but obviously it's your choice, I would use reviews for some knowledge though

Atrox Dragneel

If you dont like soccer this is not a game for you...

Muhd Khalis

The reason to buy switch version is you like to play football game on the go..if u dont like it enough i think u better not buying it

John Asuncion Hernandez

don't buy it, don't support this lazy port from EA, they gotta understand we Switch owners won't settle for scraps,

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