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So, I’m kinda new at playing Lucio, and I’m wondering if anyone has tips on how to...


Ashlie Parisi

So, I’m kinda new at playing Lucio, and I’m wondering if anyone has tips on how to play him well on console? I have an especially hard time wall-jumping & my aim is a iffy.

Christopher Thompson

On console? Bind Jump to Left Trigger so you can Jump, wall-ride and aim at the same time.

Mark Aguero

(L1) Jump, (X) abilities

Alex Ireland

I find it easiest to bind jump to left joystick click

Justin Isberg

Yeah, binding your controls in a way that allows you to jump and aim at the same time is key. LT is a common pick, Left thumbstick is another.

Other than that its just practice and learning specifics about wall riding and team play

Keishen Lloyd

I honestly don't really use speed boost unless a majority of the team is coming from the spawn zone or if I need ro run from an attacker. I'm always on heal mode. It's worked pretty well in almost all of my games.

Keishen Lloyd

Definitely try to use the push to knock people off a ledge. It's also very useful against Roadhog if he hooks you.

Hayden Sprague

I don't know if the PC Lucio stuff is good on console too :0

Michael Trompert

I prefer L2 for jump, X for melee and L3 for booping.

Use speedboost as often as possible (especially with ults)
Try to keep moving, jumping and wallriding to make the enemy frustrated while targetting you.

In the case of being a solo healer (common in lower ranks) use your amp it up for heals only.

As for wallriding, go into practice range and try to hit the bots while wallriding. It has to be a second nature to truly profit from Lucio. Try to switch between heals and speed to get a better feeling of the wallridespeed!

And also, don’t let anything get between you and booping enemies off the map^^

Edit: if there’s a second healer and some teammates are just spawning back in, be their taxi (going back to spawn and speedboost them back to the point)
Just note that your team must be safe at that moment!
I also taxi Mercy quite often since her GA lets her get back fairly quickly.

Sebastian Vacca Caicedo

Easy fix, throw away your console and get a computer because Console players suck.

Matthew Robinson

the faster you can click the jump/wallride button the easier it will be to climb a wall vertically. like i have used my right mouse button and scroll wheel. im not sure if there is any button on the controller that is easier to hit faster but on pc it helps

Jacob Angrey Henson

I usually play by using what they call "The Claw" where you use your index finger on the X (Or A if Xbox) and you aim with your thumb

悲しみ 痛み

I use standard controls with lucio, but I listen to Moe Shop while I’m playing and I say I do pretty good

Luna Bellinski

This might be an unpopular opinion but my tip for Lucio and how I always play him and seem to succeed with is prioritise healing over speed boost. Speed boost has its definite uses and you shouldn't not use it because it can be very useful for quickly getting from spawn to the point and evading enemies, but a healing Lucio can really help push. Especially on payload maps. You exist there as an area for your team to come when they need healing and to just keep topping up people's health. Also utilise the left click (whatever that is on Xbox I'm too lazy to work it out.) It's one of the best ways to not get killed by a close range hero like Reaper or DVA and gives you a chance to fall back.

Killian Bowker


Joseph J Siegrist

I switched jump to L2, boost to x and boop to r1. It works for me.

Ryan Caesar

I hold my controller really weird when I play characters like Genji or Lucio. Some ppl call it “claw grip” but it’s so I can have my right index finger on the ‘A’ button instead of my right thumb. This allows me to spam the ‘A’ button with better control which is key to wall riding. Using corners while wall riding makes it easier to gain height quickly. Use speed mode all the time unless someone specifically needs health or your team is under fire. Use the ‘boost’ button only when you need it since it has a long countdown. Booping is key to zoning defense and also can be used to move people either into fire or off a ledge. Hope any of that helps.

~Xbox Lucio Main

Jordan Khan

Get a mouse a kryboard

Cornelia Klefelt

Don't listen to people who yell you not to use speed boost, I basically stay on speed for the most part and switch to heal while capping and/or to amp it up, the passive heal is real weak on it's own

Dylan Rose

Binding to LT just makes me feel so much more natural. I’m only about 70 hrs of Lucio play but I’ve basically solo que’d from 2300 to 2800 last season just using him and binding to LT. Wall rides are a breeze and helps you master boops and pick damage as well as contest points 1v6 fairly easy most times. Try it out, I won’t ever go back to default.

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