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Please, help. My pc doesn't post. I traveled with pc around 2400km, i removed hdd,...

  • Thread starter Deivydas Urbonas
  • Start date

Deivydas Urbonas

Please, help. My pc doesn't post.

I traveled with pc around 2400km, i removed hdd, cpu cooler and gpu and I packed everything safetely. I built it again and everything is spinning. At first try, bios popped and keyboard and mouse on as well but it freezed. Next tilwo times it doesn't post - no usb, not even monitor gets signal and power.

I tried plugging monitor to mobo, didnt help.
I think it might be cpu cooler problem

Deivydas Urbonas

This is how my cpu cooler looks. I tired to screw all screws of it evenly

Kyle Santos


Brandon Mccarroll

Have you tried to reseat your ram? Also reset the cmos and reconnect all your psu connections

Dan Bill

Sounds like mobo to me. I had something similar where I crashed on windows load. Rebooted and wouldn't post. Swapped mobo and it was fine

Richard Gooden

Reset bios, pull the battery, disconnect all components and cables. Grab a snack and reinstall everything. While you're at it, straighten out that cooler. I assume you put new thermal paste when you put it back on.

Deivydas Urbonas

Thanks for everyone who were trying to help. So what happened was my system didn't accept OC. After I unplugged GPU, removed 1 out of 2 ram. Changed that single ram to another slot - it still didn't post. After I placed the same ram stick to the old slot, my computer finally started to post and properly work. It said my OC wasn't stable so it was changed back to default values. My old OC was stable, so I will redo it again.

Chris Richardson

mmm, is your cpu cooler on properly? sounds like its freezing because of too hot temps, i had this with my first build :) Good luck

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