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PC Okay, so, I need somes advices guys. Don't you feel (in the Crucible) that your shots...


Joshua Sledge

Okay, so, I need somes advices guys.
Don't you feel (in the Crucible) that your shots don't reach the target ? I mean... I've played a lot of FPS, I had a pretty decent level on Rainbow Six, clutching and acing sometimes, but in Destiny 2, I feel like my shots don't land on the targets... I don't get it. Like, when I peak and duel some guy, he always ends up with more than half his HP and I'm like shield out, one quarter HP... ALWAYS !! Seriously wtf ? I'm wondering if I should not just plug that controller in because it feels like everyone I duel has a better aim than I am. Maybe I'm just bad at the game but why ? I'm pretty decent on other FPSs, and I really don't think this one is harder...

Duane Misquitta

Thier servers aren't meant for fps's

Kevin Redden

I get what you mean. But I think you just need to get used to the range of certain guns. For example auto rifles and hand cannons have a lot more damage fall off at long range then scouts. Also, make sure you hit headshots. Body shot a do little to no dmg

Ben Powell

Guns have a different feel to them in destiny than other games, just takes getting used to. Don't plug in a controller lol keyboard and mouse ftw

Armando Chavarri

There are tons of variables when it comes to fps games.. I sometimes can't land a single shot and sometimes I wreak!

Tom Freeman

Try using a Pulse rifle, I had a really good one and I always felt like I was hitting the targets. If your using an auto rifle or something it might not feel as impactful, I tried it and quick bursts of damage are better

Laurence J.S.

Playing Destiny from console to PC, I prefer a controller because of movement variations. A lot of people will stand and duel or do the crouch up and down stuff which is fine for mouse and keys, but I'm a void lock main, I slide and blink all over the map, my elite feels better for that. With that said as far as duels and movement goes, your load out needs to compliment your movement. If you want to stand a duel you'll want an auto with High Cal rounds and know your range and damage drop off. Just get to know each weapon, PC is way more balanced then console.

Brody Strock

Yea it's different from most games I've played I've never worried about bullet range in something like titanfall 2 but adjusting to range in this game has taken time for me too lol

Nicholas Catania

its fuckin destiny get used to it pal

Michael O'Malley

It was my biggest complaint on the PS4 version of D2. I thought it was the P2P connections with a majority of the player base on poor wireless connections. Still encounter the issue on PC. Every other game I'm matched against people where my shots don't register correctly. Every few games, I encounter someone who warps around. I work from home and have 2 ISPs, tried both wired, still have the issue.

Brighton Stoll

I have this issue as well

Michael O'Malley

The game feels great when the connections are there, but they're too far and few between for me to make any real investment into D2 PvP. Regardless if they add ranking or not.

Dave Ashley

Just practice man I have no problems at all destroying kids on the daily

Elijah O Ward

Hadn't had this issue, infact I feel like I'm doing TOO well. Like I feel like I'm landing head shots way too well if anything. Like I will run around with a hand canon and I will be blowing people away and honestly I don't think in actually hitting these flicks that constantly

Will Sremmus

It's not the weapons. People are forgetting about mods and armor stats. If you get your resilience to 6 you can take one more shot than someone else. Recovery will heal you quicker and mobility is useless in pvp. You want like a 1 6 8 set up or close to it.

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