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noticed something kind of funny i figured a lot of people did this but didn't realize...


Madison Finan

noticed something kind of funny
i figured a lot of people did this but didn't realize to what extent

the spikes are rank breaking points, diamond being the biggest disparity

(a lot of people just reach a certain rank and stay there)

are that many people actually content with just hitting x rank and staying there? not trying to push and climb even more?
too scared of losing rank to try?

i loved climbing, it was one of the most rewarding feelings.
why stop?
climbing has given me a better attitude towards the game, i dont get nearly as upset when sr is lost. i know i deserve better and i'll get my rank back, just a few bad games in the way.
"you win some, you lose some."

Igor Jędrys

Im trying to get 1 sr at Smurf but i cant get lowet than plat :(((

Shivam Amarsee

Nice one, where did you find the graph btw

Adib Dimassi

i almost got to plat this season from 2300 to 2460 then went all the way down to 1940, dont care if i will drop to bronze but i will climb all the way up to at least diamond someday

Ababil Ashari

why stop? it gets to a point where you cant be arsed to learn the finer points of the game cause RL is calling out like a mother.

Luke Schirmer

3k has the largest number of accounts because that's the decay stop point. So everyone 3k plus will eventually decay there

Chris Gouw

yes, a lot of people just aim to get to a rank because they fear if they keep playing they will drop out of the rank and lose the emblem as is the case now. why is that so difficult to understand? also you decay to 3000SR if you are Diamond+ and stop playing for a while so there would be thousands of dormant accounts at that rank.

Kyele Cedric Beniga

people at 3k have most likely stopped playing the game and decayed to that point

Kyele Cedric Beniga

people at 3k have most likely stopped playing the game and decayed to that point

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