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lol Why y'all so toxic in QP? I have fun toying with toxic players, so I don't...


Giancarlo Wade

lol Why y'all so toxic in QP?

I have fun toying with toxic players, so I don't really care, but seriously, how tf do you manage to get so salty in QP where there's nothing riding on a win or loss. Enjoy the game and improve instead of demanding everyone play what and how you'd like them to play.

I got backfilled into a match on Illios, their Hanzo left the match and I backfilled with, you guessed it, Wimblebimble. Instantly, like in many matches, I get flamed in voice chat non stop just for picking Widow instead of whatever they want. We have no healer, I'm fine with that. If I wanted a healer, I'd play one. Unsurprisingly, their attitude changed dramatically when I was dropping enemies left and right and taking the point alone an the main guy who was yelling at me through his mic sincerely apologized for judging a book by it's cover (he also flamed me when I died, which was my only death in the match lol).

Learn to play without a healer, because let's be honest, you won't always have one. I'll be honest, I play much better without a healer and the majority of matches where I don't have one, I not only carry and win, but I usually get perfect matches or die only once (I mostly play Widowmaker). Without a healer, I'm forced to be a better player in all aspects: aim, flexibility, evasiveness, decision making, etc. This is mostly related to DPS heroes more so than tanks, but practice without a healer and you'll really learn to play (unless you're practicing a healer of course haha).

TL;DR - Skip the third paragraph.

Tereza Bauerová

hello as widow main i am really angery

Derek Merchant

Semi-related,I had a qp game that lasted 20 mins and I had 50 elims and 25.6 k damage,it was a great game lol,and I’m sure if it was comp it would’ve been so toxic

Luke Schirmer

Great pic

Febri Dhany

Dun care for the post, only comment to appreciate the picture

Gabriel Hamilton

I only make suggestions when two snipers, one or more team member has multiple counters rendering them useless and when my team dies for about a minute to character that's carrying. Saying we need change our strategy. Me, having a low reponse rate I'll still make suggestions. But, now if team don't look good in qp I'm outta there, I might joke before I leave. I used to be that guy that always choose healer to help them out, not no more. Can't heal with a dreadful comp and people blame me for my silver border.

Mary Gimenez

It's not about the character/class itself, I actually became a tank main in part because I fucking hate getting my needle thread' by widowmaker; it's more about their average playerbase.

Sniper players: never switch, spam "we need a healer", average of ~3 elim per 10 min, <40% win rate, " it's just [insert non-comp mode], therefor I won't try to win", never target what they're supposed to (turrets, short ranged heroes, supports)
Also sniper players: WTF why my team mates get mad at me in competitive/blame me for the loss?

The hate it's irrational, but almost justifiable considering the common non-serious nature of their playerbase.

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