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Xbox One Joined this group looking for advice. I am running my own Ragnarok pve 18+ server, and...


Damon Henson

Joined this group looking for advice. I am running my own Ragnarok pve 18+ server, and am looking for suggestions on how to keep gameplay on the server fun, fair, and interesting. Needing suggestions on how to be a good admin. to the survivors on my Ark. Interested in finding the best gameplay settings, etc. I know many people are looking for boosted taming speed, gathering rates, carry weights, and so on, but I want to get a good balance, so that the game doesn't get boring. I haven't opened it to the public yet, because I have been working on a few different attractions, and goofy things for people to stumble across as they explore. I am active on the server both as admin. and as a survivor, and will continue to be. Also a few tribe mates and myself will be Youtubing our antics, so we're wanting to build a fairly close knit community who will not only be okay with our recording, but also add to the antics. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

*Not taking recruits just yet. I'll make a seperate post for that when I feel the server is setup properly.

Steven McLeish

Why not do a PvP day like run what you bring sort of thing and do it on like every other Sunday and do tribal and solo games

Stuart Martin

To achieve a good balance follow a simple rule.whatever you add to a human character also add to dino characters.example:if u make the add lvl for carry weight +5 on humans make it +5 on dinos same with melee etc.if u only add to humans then dinos become obsolete.

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