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Is lower sensitivity better for console aim?

  • Thread starter Camren Matthew Kirkland
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Camren Matthew Kirkland

Is lower sensitivity better for console aim?

Vynyl Shiro

Sensitivity is all preference. If it works for you then it works for you.

Daniel Guzman Urbina

Its higher sensitivity for better and fast aim increase it periodically once you get used to the next level

Chris Johnson

Every hero is different

Yeti Jones

Yes. This is not an argument, low sens is more accurate.

Brenton DeBusschere

Low sens imo easier

Noman Saleem

No its not. Don't listen to PC players. Your turn rate will be shit on low sensitivity and you will get shit on by high mobility heroes like Tracer and Genji.

Connor Glasby

For console no. It's about preference really for any system but I have mine at 70-30. 70 horizontal and 30 vertical.

Ritvik Narang

Everyones got different preferences
I prefer higher sensitivity on consoles
Try both low and high and see which one suits you well

Dennis Augustynowicz

100 horizontal 60 vertical. My Junkrat highlights look like he's on crack

Tilton Jamalle Anderson

I use very high sensitivity on console. You need it if you main Tracer or any flanker.

David Sullivan

Higher is better unless u sniping

Jo Peace

It's hero specific. Practice different sens on heroes like genji and tracer. But lower for soldier and Mcree.

Michael Trompert

I prefer max sensitivity on all characters because I like to tilt my thumbsticks ever so slightly. It takes some time getting used to, but I think I perform better because I can react way faster when needed. But hey, that’s just my preference

Sean Patrick Carrigan

When you jump if you can’t spin 180 degrees before landing your sensitivity is too low.

The sticks are analog so you can learn over time to track slower and smoother.

Jane Caldwell

What I seen depends on character. Some like low sensitivity for snipers I seen while others like me who play Junkrat or Mercy prefer high sensitivity. I tried a medium sensitivity with Reaper which seems to be good. Go to the range and try them all out and see how it goes!

Jay Lewis McCarthy

it depends on the hero, but generally (and personally) i prefer higher sensitivity
You should mess around with it to see whats most comfortable for you though. It took me about 400-500 levels to find my perfect settings for my most played heroes

Andy B Ren

You might be more "accurate" potentially however you trade off the ability to effectively defend yourself against flankers entirely and you'll have a hard time defending against other heroes as well. Not to mention the fact that quite simply some heroes require you to use a high sensitivity to be competitive in any high rank game. Like I promise you you'll get shut the fuck down as Winston playing the default 30:15 sensitivity. Genji is another example it is impossible to be effective as Genji playing on low sensitivity like GL ulting well playing on a low sensitivity with Genji by the time you swift strike through someone and turn around they're already out of range of blade to be hit.

You gotta find the happy medium of maximizing your ability to aim and ability to compete with the very fast pace of the game. My advice play around with the aim smoothing and other settings in sensitivity. Like for example for Genji I use a 60:45 sensitivity but have aim smoothing at around 50. It's not perfect but it's the best thing I've personally found worked for me with a controller. These settings gave me the ability to aim fairly well with primary fire and gives me the ability to quickly snap or "flick" towards enemies to either attack or defend myself.

Josh Hayward

I would go as far as to say no for most heroes.

Sure, lower sensitivity can help some people lead targets better with maybe snipers and like, Mcree, but having a low sensitivity is going to severely handicap you if you go up against someone running max sens (who is actually good with it) because they will literally run circles around you while you struggle to keep your sights on them. I've had friends who play with like 20 sens on Xbox, and after spectating them, I can definitely understand why they rank where they do.

Dalton Matthews

I like high sensitivity because it allows you to find genji and tracer alot easier but it takes some getting used to. I run full sensitivity with hanzo

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