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I Have A Question No sarcasm please, I'm very serious right now. Why is it that...


Taelyr Parhms

I Have A Question

No sarcasm please, I'm very serious right now.

Why is it that when I was pure trash at competitive I was gold, right?

And now I'm constant POTG, 20-40 kills per game, hella objective time (aka Amazing) etc and I can't make it past silver?

Is there something I'm not doing or....?

Preston Thomas

Who do you play? Medels don't really mean anything if you're not making plays

Robert Moase

If you're solo queing that'll be the prob...then it dosnt matter how good you's about luck.

Jack Bowden

Maybe because you aren't good enough for gold because you went trash so when you got dropped to silver you can actually play at that level

Zayne George

That and the level of skill each tier is now a bit more because the game has been out long enough for the minimal game sense to be higher.

Kayla Atkins

You get more kills now since the players are worse and they feed you

Kayla Atkins

oh but what your not doing is winning lol, does not matter how awesome you play alone, you need to win the match to get higher. And you have to win a lot more than you lose to raise up.

Kelli Flynn

It depends on if these gold medals are actually game changing or working towards completing the objective at hand.

In a team, someone on said team is gonna have the gold medals. That doesn't necessarily mean they deserve a higher rank.

Watch more pros and work on your awareness, positioning, under standing of the game and ult usage. I have climbed out of that elo solo multiple times. It can of course be frustrating but it is very possible.

Michael Burch

I went from 2890 to 1850 in one season before.

Let me be clear too, I’ve climbed back up to that SR, rather quickly after that season and I am slowly grinding to diamond, but I was wondering the same thing when it happened to me. On one game as Tracer I had 80 elims, 40 final blows and 4 deaths. We lost that game. It was terrible.

What I isolated my problem to be was not communicating enough. My team would be playing super passively and not pushing in when we got one or two picks. Even when no one else is talking, you HAVE to communicate to win fights. Be that initiator to tell your team to push in when your up by a couple picks. People will listen even if they aren’t talking themselves.

Don’t get mad at people (even if you actually are) because they make mistakes. Just reassure your team that it’s all good, just don’t do X thing again and we’ll get them next time. People will get upset at themselves and play worse if you tell them they suck (even if they do). Remember that when your in silver, everyone else is in silver with you, just because your were in gold before doesn’t mean your in gold now and you should treat everyone else in your team with enough respect as if you know they’re as good as you skill wise (even if they aren’t).

I can’t tell you how many games I’ve carried since then just by doing something as simple as talking. If you’re feeling too tired to put up with it at the time just don’t play comp. If I’m ever in a game now where I realize I’m not communicating enough I stop playing comp because I start to realize that in that moment it just wasn’t a good time for me to play.

This may or may not be your problem, but it’s what helped me out.

Chelsea Lalla

It’s easy to get out of silver in solo que but mid gold-plat you need ppl with u (I’m a diamond)

Sabastian Barajas

Make sure you're playing your heart out in QP and Arcade too. That ultimately affects your SR gain/loss probability

Mike Kim-Nguyen Hang

It seems like you are doing what you can. If a team doesn’t push with you, then it becomes 1v6 orgy that you will have a hard time picking off or staying alive. A good sync with your team mates if you solo que, or party up with people. But I’m not here to say your trash or add more fuel to the fire. But the game does rank you to the “rank” they see you as. For example, if you rank gm played like trash but played amazing in diamond. You are in between the spectrum.

Michael Wright

If you were that consistent you wouldn’t be silver you would climb. Post your stats for us to better judge why you’re in silver.

Kc Phan

Some calls it the Elo hell as I heard.....

Tanner Oliver

You get potg cause u r silver, you just need to even out where you are at then get slowly better

Sebastien Roy

I think it's cause you're playing against silvers now.

Ian Dunn

Its about how well you playing. If you play at gold or silver level then you belong there.

Chris Andreas

Ok, I'll help you.
My Guide "how to rank up EASILY"
1. Eliminations and gold medals means nothing.
I can carry with Sombra, especially now after buff, and I have for example bronze eliminations, and damage isn't even bronze.
You may wonder how?
Well you know, you just take 1 by 1 like Batman, hack health packs and hack who needs to be hacked.
All that will help your team in battle.
If you kill Zenyata for example than its 5 VS 5 and than you come back and hack someone and damage Dva and you'll have 1 kill and your team probably 2/3/4 but you do the all work here.
2. Maybe you play wrong heroes and believe me I also tought that I'm good at certain hero but it turned out that I suck.

So if you know how to rank up here it is.
It's for all bronze, silver, gold and plat people:

1. Dedicate one season for learning ONLY this heroes and never play another hero in Comp expect this.
I'll explain why.

FLANK: Reaper
DPS: Soldier 76
If your team needs dps and that is rare cause it's always 3/4 dps in your team than choose ONLY these 2 even if you think you're good Tracer or Genji.
With Reaper you will flank team, take enemies 1 by 1, "work in shadows" and that's all to it really.
Example: Flank team in Dorado, take Bastion or Healer out and you do 30% of the job when the person you killed come back.
Soldier 76 is great if you think that youre great Dps, just work on aim and POSITIONING.

Cause all of you must understand that game is not about aim. Even for Widowmaker.

But let me tell you people what is gonna happen, you'll play dps only in 10% of matches cause most important thing is to fill the position that your team needs.
I know it's frustrating BUT if your team chose 4 dps, 1 tank, than you heal, if there is 4 dps and one healer than you tank.
Don't be bothered by that, you're the one who will rank up and they will stay in that RANK anyway.
So here is now guide for other roles and learn how to use them all and you will be "God" cause that roles are always needed in low ranks.
TANK: Dva, Orisa and Roadhog
If you think that youre good Zarya, Winston and Reinhardth it doesn't matter, play just that 3 that I said.
Learn, just LEARN it's usefull AF.
For example:
You can play Orisa on attack, escorting payload etc. SHE IS NOT ONLY FOR DEFENSE.
But.... when to chose them?
If you solo tank with 4 dps you don't need Dva, you need Orisa only. You can chose Dva when there is 2 dps and 2 healers, than you can dive.
Chose Roadhog when there is 3 dps, 1 healer and 1 tank cause you'll be tank who can heal himself.
Just learn to POSITION yourself with 3 of them and use them properly.

And last comes Support:
Only Lucio and Moira.
Not Symetra, Not Mercy, Not Ana, Not Zenyata.
If you're only healer then choose Lucio, if you already have healer choose Moira and DON'T FORGET TO HEAL.

So the plan is this:
Learn all this heroes in season 9, not even other 1 that I said EVEN if you think you're good with them and I guaranty you 100% that you'll rank up in season 10 without any problem and you'll continue to rank up as long as you play.
When you learn all that Basics than you can switch 76 for Mccree or Ana for Moira etc. when you see that you can rank up easily from 17xx to 26xx for example but without basics you're nothing.
MOST IMPORTANT THING IS: Don't play Junkrat, Torbjorn, Mei, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Bastion.
If you don't have BIIIIG skill for Widow, Hanzo and Mei you're useless and Bastion, Junkrat and Torbjorn doesn't require skill and you'll just LEARN nothing from them.
It will just make you stupid.
That is the problem with some players.
Play to much Symetra, Torbjorn, Mercy, Junkrat and they lose the sense of game positioning, aim and everything.
It makes you dumber.
That's all, watch on YouTube how to use only that heroes that I mentioned and train them in season 9 and season 10 and rest of them are yours believe me.

Chris Andreas

Also don't "try" to get POTG.
It comes naturaly.
Who cares about that anyway?
If you can kill only Pharah with 76 Ult or Healer and someone who is close to healer with Reaper you already used your Ult great and you help your team.
You kill Pharah with 76 Ult and damage some people and it's automatically 6 vs 5 and they are damaged on top of that.
Use Moira Ult to heal when needed rather than damage people etc.
Learn to use ult.
Ult is not for POTG it's for a 100% kill.
So if you know that you'll kill 100% Pharmacy in the air with 76 Ult it's your win, fuck the POTG.

Chris Andreas

And ofc number one 1 key to success is communication.
Even if nobody else comunicate, it doesn't matter, they can hear and you'll help them a lot by saying things that needs to be said.
"Reaper behind us"
"Mercy is low"

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