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Hi y'all! So I have a problem with comp. I started at around silver 1580 after 10...


Rehab Nour Hussen

Hi y'all!
So I have a problem with comp. I started at around silver 1580 after 10 games this season. Then after a loosing streak I went down to bronze 1400. Then went up to silver and then back down to bronze. Same thing happened a third time too (went up to silver and back to bronze). All thanks to loosing streaks.
I don't like blaming the team sometimes I just loose my mind. I see everyone just going for kills. No one stands on objective. Everyone wants to slay that enemy Genji that no matter how many teammates are there, still somehows ults and kills all of them instantly. Then I get blamed for not helping.
I am on the objective holding the enemies off but can't do alot while solo. I am being called a stupid shit while having 4 gold medals every game. Over 30 eliminations per game. I target the enemy Mercy/Pharah and gets them most of the time. My team cannot even get the few enemies left on point no matter how good comb we have.
I do my job as a DPS main (Soldier, Mccree) but I can't rely on anyone doing their jobs. I have my bad games too ofcourse, thats why I hate to blame anyone, bot knowing what caused their bad game, but having to constantly deal with peoole not knowing how to play but still flames me of all people makes me tomato mad.
I have more healing AND damage than our dps/healer when playing Zenyatta.
I don't flame, my mic is never on but I sure do write when needed. Never hates on anyone.

What am I doing wrong? I don't want anyone to carry me, I'm gonna climb solo but to do so, how should I win these kind of games? How to carry with Soldier76? Any tips and tricks? I am open for every idé as long as u don't tell me to kill myself.

Jake Ryan

Watch gm players on twitch

Sam Shaw

What level are you

Michael S. Myth

Loosing streaks are an easy fix. Think about prison

Luc Gallois

Use your healing ability to compensate for your crappy healers. Try using it to help out team mates rather than just keeping yourself alive

Jacolbie Henshaw

Play tracer and carry yourself out

Luc Gallois

Also you mentioned you never use your comms. That could be part of the problem. If you really have superior game sense, you need to be making call outs, suggestions, etc.

Mike Wang

"I don't flame, my mic is never on but I sure do write when needed. Never hates on anyone."

Typing is next to useless aside from start of the game composition arrangements, not only is it far too slow to work for any meaningful callouts, many people don't even bother looking at their chat mid-fight.

It seems like you're frustrated because you believe that you know a lot more about the game than your teammates at your rank. One way to fix this would be to teach them mid-game if you're so confident. Tell them what to do, they might listen, they might not. If you are in fact better than them when it comes to game sense, this will help your team.

Ahmed Ibrahim

You have to be skilled and flexible to climb

Yvanne Marcellana

same for me. now I fell from gold to silver. sad reacs. I plan to carry myself out back by flanking

John Wright

If you are playing Zenyatta, have your mic on. Even if it is to just say "Pharah discorded" it is a huge help. Plus, as a back of the pack character, you're in a prime position to call out enemy positions.

Gabriel Wright

Honestly, as you play more you're gonna realize 90% of low Elo players main DPs characters, so I'd suggest learning a flex tank and a flex healer and using them more. For instance I boost on Pc and ps4 and I've noticed how easy it is to climb as a tank player. I'd suggest Winston or Rein. Low Elo players get destroyed by Winstons and don't know how to get past Rein

Gabriel Wright

What do you play on? I'd be willing to give you tips. And if you really would rather stick to Soldier I have a master's account dedicated to Soldier so I'll know how to help you

Mihnea Gogu

Git gud, only way

Lightning Hadi

Hey at least you're getting alot of comp points

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