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PC Help please. I recently factory reset my laptop. I redone loaded overwatch and...


Lizzie Whelan

Help please. I recently factory reset my laptop. I redone loaded overwatch and I every time I launch the game it’s just a black screen. It tells me that to update my graphic drivers. I went ahead and did that. It still didn’t work so I uninstalled the game and reinstalled. The same issue is happening. Any ideas of what to do to fix this?

Leeann Hafferkamp

I've been having a similar issue too! My friend helped me factory reset my computer after a dumbass in one of my college courses shared a virus that practically made it impossible for us to do anything while connected to the internet.
Reset the computer, game was able to be played for about a week. Mercy update came out and I can't get the game to load at all. Everything is up to date. Haven't fixed the issue yet.

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