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hello. I have a question about witcher 3 GOG , goty , with the 2 DLCs. I fight Eredin...


Ilias Mpaizos

hello. I have a question about witcher 3 GOG , goty , with the 2 DLCs.

I fight Eredin and when I try to pass the second portal that he creates , I get black screen and there is only audio , I actually hear Eredin hit me and if I press a button , Geralt responds but all I see is this black screen. After 10 seconds the game crashes and I exit without warning or any error message.

I have tried to lower the resolution , turn off-on V-synch , wait for a min and then pass the portal , change the quest from " kill eredin " to " follow eredin in the portal" and all of the above together. I read these solutions on forums but nothing works..

What should I do , I can't finish the game. You kno de wae , help a fellow brothah

Aldren Marc Hallare

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Reace Baker

use the gog client to do it

Ilias Mpaizos

thank you , I will do it

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