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Can someone explain the mx color switches. I looked online but so many different versions.


Steven Brisebois

Can someone explain the mx color switches. I looked online but so many different versions.

Glenn Bracey

Linus tech did a video

Glenn Bracey

Loads of people did a video

Gordon James Taylor

different feel to them and some are more clicky than others... your best going somewhere you can have a try with them all as its a personal thing really!! mines are MX Brown on my Ducky Shine 5

Ivan Madriaga Herrera

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Steven Brisebois

Id like to have the click feel but no noise

Matthew Clark

Red -quiet
Blue -loud

Gavin Samson

I like blue.. they annoy the fuck out of everyone else in the house at 2am

Thomas E. Rodenkirch

Blue: loud and clicky
Brown: soft and clicky
Red: not clicky just goes down and up
Black: like red but harder to press

James Reed-moretz

I love cherry MX Browns

AnthonyRamon Gonzales

Red is best for gaming. Blue is good for typing. Black is a harder to press Red. Brown is a hybrid of Red and Blue. Green is similar to Blue and Clear is similar to Red.

Matt Tubby

Red is a linear switch and is very popular, meaning it takes the same force to push all the way down, they also only produce one click when pushed all the way, unlike blue and brown i believe, as these make a click on key activation then another on the switch striking the bottom of the plate, there are much better descriptions than mine but hopefully it helps a little

Cuyler Stuwe

Red: 30g linear ("cloud of boobs")
Brown: 45g tactile almost-linear ("red, but with a grain of sand")
Blue: 55g nonlinear, clicky, tactile ("loudest / most gimmicky")
Black: 60g linear ("heavier red / silicone boobs")
Clear: 60g tactile nonlinear ("heavier brown")

In my experience owning each of these keys, Browns are the best multipurpose switch for people who do a solid mix of gaming and typing. So for most people, I'd say to just ignore the rest of the switches and go straight for Browns.

I like Clears for CS:GO (highest MM rank Supreme) because the switch makes a solid effort to resist the pressure of your finger, so it's hard to accidentally move in high-pressure situations by resting your finger on a movement key during high-pressure combat.

I like Reds for Osu or any other game that requires repeated taps of alternating keys, and and they're the second-best all-around switch for me (after Browns) after getting used to their lightness for typing and adjusting accordingly. Browns still beat them for the typing experience, though.

Blue is a good typing-only switch if you don't mind annoying people around you with the exaggerated loud clacking (granted, they're not as loud as old-school IBM keyboards, but significantly louder than other Cherry MX variants).

Blacks are my least favorite key right now. They're kinda in a weird no-man's land. Clears are a better switch if you're looking for something heavy. By the time you want a linear switch, you probably don't care about the weight all that much, so Reds are better for that use case.

Cuyler Stuwe

An extra note on Blacks: They're mainly used for POS / Industrial rather than consumer / office / gaming, so the non-tactile design with a stiffer spring is probably designed to prioritize reliability and consistency over time -- stiffer springs are less fragile, and no bump/clacker means fewer things to break.

This numpad is my current board that has Blacks:

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Cuyler Stuwe

You can also get really creative like the folks on Geekhack and mix/match existing components. There are a few popular mods like "Jailhouse Blues" and "Panda Clears" to really zero in and try to create a switch that combines traits of different switches you like:
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AnthonyRamon Gonzales

Cuyler Stuwe wow i play osu! haha, but i use ProXtouch at the moment. the reds can still be noisy when your at the 6star map level.

Steven Brisebois

Thanks for the help everyone. So prob gonna go with brown now the question is which keyboard

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