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Anybody else finding the Moira cute spray achievement to be completely broken? I'm...


Ciaran Stewart

Anybody else finding the Moira cute spray achievement to be completely broken? I'm 100% sure I should have got it at least 15/20 times by now, both hitting seven people all at once with a Zarya grav and hitting seven different people in the space of one ult but it still hasn't popped, then i've seen people get it for just hitting 2/3 people randomly.
Is there something I'm not getting or is it just completely broken?

Aleida Niamh McCluskey

My understanding is you have to hit 7 people at once whilst ulting, not just 7 people in an ult

Gary Malmgren

make sure squad is piled up and fighting for the payload (both teams) ....stand behind your team and blast towards them ...I didn't even know that's how you unlocked it..just randomly got it for trying to kill and heal at the same time

Troy Crossingham

Just find a nice choke point that everyone's crammed into.

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