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3 players in pc top 10 are from Xbox. Lol there goes that argument


Carl Tice

Just furthers the argument that Overwatch is a low skill-cap game.

Luke Garside

5-7 seasons ago. Basically a year.
Your point is mute.

Cynthira Nope

to make your point statistically appropriate you'd have to list all the players who switched and didn't reach a high rank on pc, then estimate a number, if it's above 50% (as in, 50% and more of top console players who switched and reached a high ranking) then yes, your point is valid. not trying to destroy your argument but there are always the cross players who start a game on console for various reasons but are originally pc gamers and so on. it's hard to draw a line here so to me, the whole arguing about pc masterrace is only true when it comes to specs.

Tj Pho

Idk why people say console gm players are bad when they switch over. If you played console and pc you would know mechanical skill is pretty much done at diamond and after that its game sense. Gm’s are still gm’s. When you bring your knowledge over to a different platform you can place diamond with game sense alone, now develop your mechanical skill and you can make it pass masters.

Jeremy Fernando

The fck are u dumb? GM are still GM's. Its just a matter of mechanical skill improvement. They have better game sense.

James Carroll

My PC main is higher than my console main. It’s just a myth. I guess the reason why so many fail to do well is due to the keyboard/mouse situation.

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