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PC Question what do you understand from buying trials flawless runs whats it worth? I...


Furkan Reisoğlu

Question what do you understand from buying trials flawless runs whats it worth? I understand ppl who run it... they do it for the money but what about the people who buy the runs? what do u feel? do you feel accomplished for someone else's achievement or boast about the items to your friends? don't get me wrong I'M not against it or anything I did account recoveries and raid runs too for money but what does the buying end of the offer think that's my question...

because if you want the trials items you don't have to go flawless you can just play with a pug group and farm the items. the only thing extra you get from going flawless is the glowing versions of the armor.

Faye O'Neill

I'm assuming they just want the rewards without doing the hard work. Or are not a pvp player etc

Darryl Hewitt

I call it cheating

Sheila D Snead

In my case the temptation is due to the fact that I need a serious gpu upgrade. Currently running a gtx660 and due to extremely low fps in pvp even on the lowest settings I know I am suffering a severe handicap. There's just no freaking way I could do it with my current setup. But not a chance I would pay for it.

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