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I have never been brave enough to play competitive. 3 times since Overwatch launched...


Damien Lord

I have never been brave enough to play competitive. 3 times since Overwatch launched I’ve gone into competitive, but I’ve never been able to get past “season 7 begins” before I chicken out. I assume I suck and have gotten as good as I ever will be, so I feel bad for people that would be stuck with me on their team. I guess I just assume everyone in competitive is much better than I am and I don’t want to drag anyone down with me, so, I guess the arcade and quick play is where I forever remain.

Malvvina Jandura

Same but I've played comp a little bit. My main mistake was doing the placements immadietly after reaching level 25 without having anu experience in fps.

Maxwell Boyle

Competitive ranks are there for a reason so if you just try your best you should hopefully be placed with other people of similar skill and you will be able to contribute effectively to the team :) But there's also no pressure to play competitive, if you just enjoy the fun gamemodes, maybe you don't need to try competitive. There's some toxic people but there's also some cheery and supportive people in competitive so don't be afraid to try it if you want to!

Kevin Goossens

Some truth in there but mostly: The rank you are given is most likely a bit lower than your actual rank. So the people that you 'll be having in your game are probably a little bit worse than you. I'd say go hop into competitive and if u lose 10 games who cares?

Giseritz Rivera Concepción

I was a bit nervous too but it wasnt hard like I expected it to be. I'd say it was just more fun.

Sammy Bourgeois

As someone who was scared to dip into competitive until recently, let me give you my take. Context: I'm not very good at this game (except Mercy, I am good at Mercy), I've never taken a FPS seriously before Overwatch, and I have have general performance anxiety such that I've left a speech to cry before.

"3 times since Overwatch launched I’ve gone into competitive" If you can do 3, you can do 10. Trust me, when you immerse yourself into the competitive nature of it, you won't want to stop. It usually takes a game or three at the start of the day for my hands to stop shaking -- but they do.

"I assume I suck and have gotten as good as I ever will be" NOPE. Nope nope nope nope. For one, if you play a lot of quickplay, you're going to get at least some modicum of mechanical skill, and mechanical skill can at least carry through bronze and silver by itself. If you have any game sense, you might just be past gold. And no, you haven't stopped getting better. For one thing, I understand being busy, what have you, work, but there's always *some* way to improve.

"so I feel bad for people that would be stuck with me on their team" never have this mindset. Matchmaking will put you with people whose skills you roughly belong with. It does seed from your quickplay performance. And also? The average player of this game really isn't all that good. You might feel like you're making a lot of stupid mistakes, but also? So is your teammate. So is your whole team. If you haven't played competitive, you are missing experience that's going to lead you to make mistakes, but also you'll be in a lower ELO where they cannot justifiably bitch out your mistakes because they're doing as bad if not worse.

" I guess I just assume everyone in competitive is much better than I am and I don’t want to drag anyone down with me" NOPE. Look, whether you're Grandmaster or Bronze quality, placement matches will put you where you belong. For example: I waited quite a while (til like level 123) to dip into competitive at all. I wanted stronger gamesense and knowledge of the characters. Now don't get me wrong, this did do me justice, and I ended up placing in Gold.... however, if I HAD done my placements earlier, I might have made Silver, or Bronze, because that would have been where I truly belonged. And then when I became the skill level that I am now, I would have grown to my current rank.

No, competitive is not too much for you. Matchmaking WILL put you where you belong one way or another, so you don't need to worry because you'll be the same skill as everyone else your rank, approximately.

Derick Elkin

itll place you in a rank you belong. you wont ever be hurting your team that badly

Daniel Aldea

Cmon man is just a game....go in there and kill some kids, you will learn playing.

Alex Vincent

Competitive is so broken that pretty much everyone sucks. Although if you want to avoid the toxicity.

Francisco Mercado

I'm willing to play comp and suck with all you! Add me: duhSpawn

Julia Berntsson

I played conpetetive in Paladins before I quit the game, and when I was finally confident enough to do so it was a lot more fun than qp!

Tasha Skiles

I'll be honest with you. Overwatch is my first FPS game. I was scared to go into competitive mode at first but I'm glad I did. I had reached my skill cap in qp and arcade but qp is a very very different monster than comp. I got better by playing with and against people who were serious about the game and I've climbed from bronze to high gold over the seasons only playing comp a day or 2 a week. And I've gotten better each season. I don't think I could have gained the game sense and all that playing in qp because only about 30% of people seem to try at all in qp and once people finish their weeklies they stop trying in arcade. Ive reached a point where I pretty much only want to play competitive matches with people who try and who understand their roll because I've reached that point in the game where fucking around just isn't fun anymore and watching my team make rookie mistakes or just jack off the whole time is aggravating because I am actively trying to get better and analyzing other people's game play as well as my own so I continue to be an asset to my competitive team. You learn a lot more about how to play the game in competitive than you ever will in qp or arcade. Don't worry about where you place. You can always grind that climb. Communicate and try your best to follow directions and synch with your team to win and you'll be fine.

Anna Wang

I used to be the exact same. Comp terrified me at first and now I deal with toxicity just fine and never go back to qp. And dw it's what ranks are for, you'll find yourself playing with people of the same skill level eventually and you'll do just fine.

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