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Switch Hi. I’m writing this from a hotel room that I’ll be leaving today or tomorrow. I...


Yaelle Glenn

Hi. I’m writing this from a hotel room that I’ll be leaving today or tomorrow. I haven’t been home in 6 weeks because my place flooded. Well, soon I should be? getting some amount of reimbursement for my game systems - luckily all of my games were unharmed* but I’m not sure I want to replace them with exactly what I had.

* the reason my games survived is that just like you hear about in fiction or in wild news stories, I literally gained a burst of strength & moved my bookcases out of the way when the water started rushing in LOL. My big TV? No. Cat? They have legs & can climb. Everything else, can’t do it. But The games & books couldn’t die.

Anyway so my PS1 obviously I won’t get anything for. Same with the Retro Duo. The other 2 were a Star Wars Xbox 360 & a Wii U. Drowned. So I was thinking, if my insurance does come through for me & I get any fair amount of money back, is it a bad idea to buy the Switch yet?? Better to wait & see if more is released?

My preferred games are like the main Pokemon series for DS, things like strategy ... Zelda Games, etc. My DS was uninjured. So was the PS3 because I thought to unplug it. I buy most of my games used so it enables me to waste ... um spend ... my money on the systems.

One last thing, sorry so long**. I just want to mention that I have memory problems, just getting that out of the way now. For whatever reason there are a ton of people on the web who assume that everything they read is untrue, & if I’m unable to detail something or if I add facts later to whatever it’s because of this memory issue. Not remembering can also cause people who don’t know me to assume that I’m dim.... just explaining in case it comes up. TMI?
** that’s what she said

Omar Shariff

I think you should get it.

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