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Hey Peps! I'm just letting you all know that I'm currently looking for people who are...


Harry Weeks

Hey Peps!
I'm just letting you all know that I'm currently looking for people who are interested in being part of an Australian Overwatch team full of a diverse range of Ranked players to fight it out in comp and improve and aim to the top!
We are NovaVerse and we are excited to get some people under our belt! All ranks are aloud so bronze if your willing to learn and climb pop and application!

Chris Gouw

What platform?

Harry Weeks


Ryley Somers

PS4.. looking for users who are looking to find a squad to run comp whenever it starts back up. Had this game since sept and I want to go on a good run with some good teammates (squad of six with mic’s) I’m about 2100 sr playing solo (2250 sr ctf ) an I’ve been playin with 2700sr friends squads Recently. I’m a flex. Always wait last to fill the teams needs. Psn WoWeeee50 I’m a chill guy but also love the comp, need active users who want to group up for comp next week , add on Facebook or psn WoWeeee50, dont bother adding if ur not active

Rodrigo Jimenez

How do i join?

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