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Anyone got any unusual or interesting tips for playing my purple/ red characters?...


Michael S. Myth

so for genji you want to get close. its scary but get as close as possible. try to target people with low hp and you should know the map inside out.
for doomfist he's really hit and miss tbh. even if you land every ability if roadhog or reaper turns the corner its tip for him is kill people when no one can save them. pounce that zenny in the back or the winston who jumped in and put a bubble down. you can also shove back Reinhardts in chokes allowing your team to focus the junkrat bastion or torb behind it.
for winston your job is to make a favorable situation and then steamroll. if reins are duking it out hop in kill the enemy and now its a 5v6. oh you see soldier feeding zarya charge. put her and you in the bubble while pushing her away by landing on her. now soldiers safe she's lower and you focus her down cause she doesnt have a bubble. boom 4v6. you get more work in solo yes.. BUT its more important to be a tank then an elim machine. if you act like a disruptive tank more people will be alive on your team to compensate for your low dps.

Zoey Nightshade

Here's mine. I'm a widow main but will play just about whatever. There are some like Winston, Zenyatta, Pharah, and Torbjorn that I'm terrible at but other than that I'm passible with everything else. Oh and I forgot to mark the rank but I'm in gold.

Chloe Hidalgo Truffles Ayangco

Roadhog: Make sure your weapon is loaded before you hook, unless you're pulling them in and coordinating with someone else next to you to shoot them I made this mistake so many times when starting out with him lol. I hooked then followed through with nothing

Stephen Holt

Ok when picking hanzo you first need to instantly leave the voice chat and constantly mis easy shots on enemies and you also need to steal play of the game with a absurd scatter shot

Chloe Hidalgo Truffles Ayangco

Oh allso with Zenyatta, your priority is to give an orb to whoever is closest to/attacking the enemy, and give them the healing orb whilst giving the enemy that they're attacking the discord orb...instead of just whoever has low health but isn't necessarily in danger :D

Chloe Hidalgo Truffles Ayangco

Also w/ Torbjorn, don't just sit behind your turret hammering it all the time unless it's getting shot down (then try to crouch or hide behind something while repairing it). Make sure to go around once in a while, collect scraps from killed bodies [this sounds so morbid when I type it out lol] and constantly throw armor and shoot people

In Capture the Flag mode, I like to do the standard thing and put some armor near our team's flag, but then I also throw a few right on top of the enemy's flag (the enemy team can't see it so joke's on them when I go to there area and seemingly get randomly killed when I'm actually putting armor down there ), so if one of my teammates tries to capture the enemy flag and they take damage, they instantly pick up another piece of armor right there and then escape with a little bit of extra health

Jina Glasgow


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