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Alright Ana mains any advice on getting better with her I'm a support main but she is...


Mackinzie Boggs

Ana should be in the middle of the shit just. Otherwise you get back lined and picked at least in the middle you have your team with you

Sha Ou

Stay close to your team so you can heal without the scope. Grenade to heal you and your team. If an enemie flanker start chasing you, try to sleep him and let your teammate knows. Use the grenade on enemies so they cant be healed.

Sha Ou

Only using scope when you have to, like healing small target, moving...
because when you're using the scope, you can't see things happen around you and if a dps is chasing you, and you're far from your team, you're dead

Sha Ou

Also, with the scope, you move slowly. Keep moving so you won't be easy target

Spencer Churchman

Predicting team mates movements and your enemies is paramount. Ana can get stuck easily in a tough spot so it’s the utmost importance to watch where you are in relation to the enemy.

Binx Bumstead

Practice aimiing. Use her scope as often as possible, stay far back but not too far back, ie with your team but kinda in the back of them so that flankers can't pick you off. Don't be afraid to use biotic grenade aggressively instead of for heals, but at the same time make sure you're keeping yourself healed as well. Always call out who you're sleeping BEFORE you sleep them so that your team can get ready to kill them before they wake up. (and if someone just shoots at them willy nilly and wakes them up, go ahead and bitch them out). But for the most part, focus on your aim and making sure your teammates are healed.

Mina Davis

Stick to the high ground and don't be too generous with your sleep dart unless you really need to use it

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