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yo guys i just had a comp game with a guy who picked doomfist in gibraltar both rounds...


Youssef Abdelmonem

yo guys i just had a comp game with a guy who picked doomfist in gibraltar both rounds and he did not wanna change ....the thing is he suck so much at him like for real 9 elims 22 death it was pretty much 6v5 now i tried to talk to him but he said he bought the game to play doom so he is gonna play doom ....i kinda understand i bought the game i do what i want since i paid for it ( i fee the same way ) but he made us lose that game do i report him or not ?

Damien Michael

mind your own business fucking weenie. if this person affected your day so much you took time out to go post in a group its you who should take a break from this game lol its new years eve. get faded and let people throw their placements man

Kyle Sully

Yeah leave the cunt alone. He just loves the feeling of pounding people into walls. I enjoy that too

Damien Michael

you know if you wanna go throw some games with mister fister we all support you...

Ryan Darling

Report these balls loser

Sam Strelitz

You should report Hanzo players too.

Oliver Bach

Hey he accepted the ToS dont matter if anyonr paid u still follow the rules

Sam Strelitz

You really shouldn't try and tell other people which heroes to play. Suggestions maybe, but raging on someone who picks a hero you don't like just distracts them and makes your team hate you.

Jsun Torres

Report those fuckers that quit comp right after your squad just finished wrecking first half....and it is usually someone on your team. That DoomF dude....he'll switch it up eventually but at least he stuck it out!
Quitters suck and anyone playing Genji!

Tom Erik Brauer

Not bannable offence to play a hero.

Daniel Ng

Don't focus on the hero they pick. Focus on the hero you pick and find synergies in all 6 of the hero your team have. If all 6 is dps, than perform better than the other 5. If you lose, you won't lose as much sr as the other 5 who suck at the game. The harder you carry, the harder time for you to lose SR and easier time earning SR.

Remus Malutan

its against the tos to literally ONLY 1 trick and to not switch heroes when the situation needs it. its seen as throwing , go report that dude.

Mahmut Arel Şen

Logic. Something that everyone thniks that they perfected it yet they are lack of it. There are a lot of play modes for players to do the hell they want and there is a comp. mode which requires team cominication, work and composition should be perfected as much as can be done by the players to have most of the fun can game offer. So yeah if you are not doing well with a character leave your ego and stupidity to work with your team to win in a comp match. None can talk ehat hell are you doing at other game modes

Toni Conge

Let people play the character they'll have fun as. You aren't gonna lose anything if you lose the game so whatever just let people have fun.

Aitor Santoro

Since overwatch is a cooperative game, you cant pick whatever you fucking want, ok, actually you can, but that makes you a bastard, you know what?, you dont go to a group who fights for certain rights and you just fight for the rights that you want to, you must fight for those certain rights of the group, not for the rights that you want... here is the same, cooperate with the team or you get the R E P O R T from the team. people that think "im going to play this bc i bought the game", ok, play it , in arcade/quick/vs I.A , not in competitive, competitive is for playing that hero you practise with in arcade or quick, but, on the other side, you want to practise in comp with the hero that you want?, here is doesnt depend from you, depends from me, i must have at least a 2 or 3+ stack from people that use certain heroes and are good with them, that will reduce the chance of get those guys, cheers from Argentina, and , Feliz año nuevo! (PS ARGENTINA IS NOT MEXICO -_____-)

Mark Walls

Maybe don't play with randoms

Daniel Aldea

Maybe he has a bad day..and i`m pretty sure he was flamed good whould you play after that?

Albert Valle

Pick Zarya, when he goes in bubble him and hope for the best.

Colin Marner

If he bought OW to play black punchy guy he bought the wrong game

Cristopher Lamont Sandoval

I Don’t report shit, it’s a waste of time.

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