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Ya know Blizzard you guys could buff the other Support characters if you wanna make...


John Jose

Ya know Blizzard you guys could buff the other Support characters if you wanna make things more even!

Blizzard:”Nerf Mercy again?”

No buff the supports! Like Zen or Lucio!

Blizzard:”Nerf Lucio!”

No! Buff! Like buff Zen’s healing orb!

Blizzard:”Buff his attack power!”

No! I mean yes?! I’ll take it but that’s no-

Blizzard:”Nerf Mercy!”


Dylan Zelda Boy Jensen

If you're referencing the lucio patch as a nerf, I and most everyone who I play with considers his rework a buff. Just wish they could rework Mercy in a way that she's still powerful but not a must pick

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