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Xbox One Wyvern Wars IIVI: Ark Survival Servers Aberration & Ragnarok PvE Aberration &...


Centree Meyer

Wyvern Wars IIVI: Ark Survival Servers

Aberration & Ragnarok PvE
Aberration & Ragnarok PvP
Island/Legacy Raid Server (Switches every two weeks.)
⚜For Prim+ please see Wyvern Wars I•IV•I: Storytellers Guild

We only ask that you do not block caves with artifacts. Passive killing, insiding, offline raiding and the like are seen as dishonorable acts. Treat others how you would like to be treated. This your home, please treat it as such. Tribes that prove a Pve tribe with logs or video “hitting then running” the pve tribe will be forced war upon for 24hrs with the afflicted tribes.

Admins are always PVE ONLY
x8.5 Harvest
x3 Mating
x20 Mature
X10 Egg Hatch
x.5 Baby Food Consumption
x.25 Food and water drain.
x10 Taming
7 Day Decay on Structures
Max Dino Level 300

Health - 2x
Stamina - 2x
Torpidity - 1x
Oxygen - 3x
Food - 1x
Water - 1x
Temperature - 1x
Weight - 10x
Melee - 2x
Speed - 2.5x
Fortitude - 10x
Crafting - 5x

Dinos: Tamed Per LvL
Health - 2x
Stamina - 10x
Torpidity - 1x
Oxygen- 1x
Weight - 15x
Melee - 2x
Speed - 5x

Search Unofficial PC: Wyvern Wars IIVI and pick the map of your choosing PVE or PVP.
Transferring between them is allowed. 6 hour timer enabled on PVP obs and drops. Allowing you to have the best of PvP and PvE.
Daily events! Gladiator, battle royal (pubg style), giveaways, team and 1x1 events!

Starter Packs

Starter Packs Per PvE Player:
-Lvl 100 Unicorn
-Primitive set of flack ⚔
-Primitive metal tools⚒

Starter areas for PvE:
Island: West Zone Two
Aberration: Portal
Ragnarok: Viking Bay Two

Currency of the land is BC. (Bushberry Coins; Bushberry Seeds spawned in from prim+) You may obtain BC through events and quests, trading and selling to to other players and by turning in metal ingots to the bank.


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