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Wiki how to get out of bronze hell when you were high silver all last season and now...


Altaf Bano

Get good

Irving Rojas

Play pharah

Tyler Jackson

i wish i could be in bronze

Shawn Thorpe

Use the acceptable one trick method.

Shawn Thorpe

You only get banned for one tricking when they look at your games and see that you still refuse to stop one-tricking when your team desperately needs a different hero.

Kylie Pirre

That's not that much of a difference tbh

Mary Gimenez

Don't listen to the cocky "GiT GuD. I sMuRf oN BrOnzE aNd GoT oUt oF iT iN 2 HoUrs" assholes. It's unlikely, despite your skill, to carry purely by yourself out of any rank. Reeve also proved this several times on his M/GM vs bronze/silvers videos, you'd still need your team's help and cooperation to win a match, SPECIALLY on maps that require a good team coordination like 2CP maps.

I like to research/learn about all the ranks meta, I'm familiar to most of them, they're interesting and all fun (except for masters one-trick hell, fuck 'em, boring af)
Silver/Bronze meta is pretty much countercomps, you can either choose to use characters that are low risk/high reward (junkrat, symmetra, torbjorn, bastion and mercy) OR choose to be the counter-comp and learn characters that will help you to overcome the lr/hr characters I mentioned earlier because THESE characters are most likely gonna stall tf out of your team.
Zarya, Pharah, Soldier 76, Winston and, ironically, Junkrat are all good against those characters and will, most likely, take you far on this rank.
However, they won't always use those characters but you get ny point, you don't need to be a flex G*d to counter a bronze, you only need to be decent enough to know what you're doing with your characters.
Always check enemy team's most used heroes too and try to find a common counter to at least 2 of their heroes, Enemy Mercy/Genji main? Go winston. That's pretty much how you can get out of bronze/silver while improving your skills for the next rank.

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