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Xbox One Why do ppl think maining is a great idea???? im sick of playing this game tbh i was...


Addie Reasons

Obviously your argument is invalid because you type like a three year old on a tablet. Secondly you are just shit at the game and that’s why you’re in bronze. Quit being a shitty person and find some other toxic friends to play with so that I don’t get paired up with you, and have someone with the mental handicap of an attack Torbjorn

Ryan Hanks

Theres also a diffrence between maining and one tricking having a main is fine onetricking can be an issue but its not an end all. In a 4400 game we had one zen main and 5 dps main on girlbraltor and full pushed and held. Its not prefrable as youd like to stay meta or atleast viable picks but sometimes it can work. Lol

Addie Reasons

So basically what me and my associate Ryan Hanks is saying is, GIT GUD BUD

Birdy Charron

i never said i lose im just sick of carrying whole teams

Addie Reasons

I instalock Junkrat and I get on average 30-40 Elims on a bad day

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