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We've Moved! We are now on better, faster servers and have increased our slots from...


David Bixler

We've Moved!

We are now on better, faster servers and have increased our slots from 35 to 60!

We are a cluster of 2 PVP servers currently with The Island and Ragnarok.

Rates for both servers are the same.

Autosave: Every 20 minutes.
5x Experience;
3x Harvest;
10x Taming Speed
20x Egg Hatch;
20x Baby Mature;
.02x Cuddling (Imprinting speed to go with maturing);
1.6x Structures on platforms;
Max tribemates: 5;
Difficulty: 8;
2x Night Speed;

We have decreased our mod count from 11 to 7 (thanks to Wildcard making some features vanilla)

We vote monthly on mods and changes to the server.
Events will begin starting soon. Now's your chance to get set up on our servers.

Join our Discord to keep up with events and to talk to our other players.

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Andrew Scott

Can I ask why .02 for imprinting? For larger Dino's I find 2.0 much better than going lower.

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