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Today's experience by stop insta locking torb & sym, and start picking what my teams...

  • Thread starter Muhammad Imam Satria
  • Start date

Muhammad Imam Satria

Today's experience by stop insta locking torb & sym, and start picking what my teams asked.

Everytime I insta lock Torb or Sym and don't wanna change, it's not like I'm selfish or something.

Cause I felt like, the most requested heroes on my tier (silver) is a healer. But if I play a healer and the team can't keep up or SUCKS, at the end of the match I will lose so much SR. In 1 match it can be like -30 or even more. Even if It's a win, I will get less than 20 SR.

But If I play Torb & Sym, cause I know what I'm doing and I know I'm pretty good at those heroes, even though it's a lose, I will lose only like 20 SR or less. Most of the times, only like -17 SR. And if I win most of the time I will get 20-25 SR.

Today I played from 2 AM to 10 AM, the first game I picked sym and my team raging and start throwing cause I pick sym, then the next game I pick what the team is needed. I only got like 3 wons and the other matches are loses. So far lost like 200 SR because I picked what they asked(moira, mercy, zen, Orisa). I just wanna try, it's gonna work or nah, and it's a nah.

So I hv no idea the point why people throwing cause I don't wanna pick what they asked, and reporting me.

I know some people said that I won't get banned for 1 tricking, but just kinda worry if the reports I got are too much and Blizzard messed up and ban me.

At first I don't really care, they can type anything they want about me on chat. They also can yell however they want on me with their mic. I'm not gonna mute them or even leave the voice channel. But play the game and don't throw or even afk.

Jahmai Shokio Williams

Is......this video supposed to support your post? Like as a testament to your ability or something....?

Tony Dean

I just hate playing sym with all the Moira orbs also fuck the throwers

Mike Wang

The problem is you clearly have a better grasp on sym/torb than the heroes you were playing for your team. At the silver level team comp doesn't really matter because everyone makes so many mistakes you can get by just playing better, but at a higher level, you'll notice people start saying things like "anyone good at support? I prefer two supports" where people realize filling is only good if filler is good at said hero.

Paola Hernández

If your able, communicate with your team. Tell them you are BETTER with those heroes (symm, torb, your mains) and ask them to work with you. Those are not thrower picks and if its well played you can wreck the other team. A lucio and a monkey or rein (even zarya) works pretty good with symmetra.

Ive had symmetra torbs in my teams and everyone else like gets mad and stuff so i try to tell them to work around them (tbh its a little disheartening to some people when u gotta form your team composition around those picks).

But you also gotta learn to switch when youre getting hard countered because you just end up feeding the enemy team and giving too little to yours.
If your team sucks you keep doing you and carry their butts bc i think both symm and torb are game changing when used good

Charlie Helios Sun

Ah elo hell. I was there now I'm on my way to diamond, to get out all I did was spend a shit load of time being a flex player in quick play with two main mains and when I went to comp it was easy since I can play most roles fairly well, but I'm best at dps. To get out of elo hell you have to carry yourself out.

Francis Lee

They’re probably raging because sym doesn’t synergies well with most team comps and she’s very situational. There are usually more useful heroes to pick that might help your team more especially if you’re taking up one of your teams support roles. You are just lucky you’re playing at a level where the, solider and mercy couldn’t even kill one symettra between them lol

Francis Lee

They’re probably raging because sym doesn’t synergies well with most team comps and she’s very situational. There are usually more useful heroes to pick that might help your team more especially if you’re taking up one of your teams support roles. You are just lucky you’re playing at a level where the, solider and ulting mercy couldn’t even kill one symettra between them lol

Ali Foggon

When you killed the soldier a second time

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