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Tell me how Hanzo takes skill and I'll tell you how many times I die to scatter shot...


Jai Wilson

Tell me how Hanzo takes skill and I'll tell you how many times I die to scatter shot in one day.

Sammy Bourgeois

Have you considered keeping track of his scatter arrow cooldown and playing more cautiously when you're conscious that it is off of cooldown? That might help.

Sass aside, Hanzo does take skill. He takes an immense amount of skill to play at a level where he's actually effective. The problem isn't that Scatter Arrow takes no skill to utilize, just the raw amount of fucking damage that it does, and that all of it can be headshots. Other characters with OHKO abilities require being far closer and with far better positioning, or farther away and with far better aim, to unleash their OHKO abilities (ults aside).

But, Hanzo does take skill. No Bronze Hanzo is ever. EVER. going to contribute to a Plat+ game just by sitting there and scattering enemy's feet every time that it comes off of cooldown, even if they hit the OHKO every time.

So with that being said -- how many times do you die to scatter arrow in one day?

And a secondary question: What ability do you suppose you do not die to frequently, if you were to actually count it, like you count scatter arrows?

Abhishek Kumar

Hanzo without scatter would take an insane amount of skill

Savannah Dey Carden

I miss my scatters like 50% of the time so he takes some skill

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