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Tanks and Healers are fun. Until a couple losses where some smartass DPS play badly...


Wyndsor Tan

Tanks and Healers are fun.
Until a couple losses where some smartass DPS play badly and blame their team.
Right or Wrong?

Tempest Rogers

I just don't like playing tanks or healers cuz the team depends on you too much. they don't depend on( or rather) don't blame the DPS players quite as much

Austin Hamilton

I don't blame anybody, I typically blame myself. If we lost that means that I didnt carry, and got outplayed and that's all there is to it.

Daniel Marsh

You do occasionally run across really bad healers and tanks but the amount of terrible dps players is much more frequent.
some are toxic and some just arnt that great at the game, it’s a team effort and if the whole team isn’t pulling there weight/ doing there job then the whole team suffers.

Sarah Elizabeth Webb

To be honest, as a Support I've noticed waaaaaaaaaaaaay less complaining to me, I don't know if that means I'm a great support OOORRR if people are afraid to bitch about a healer, but I just hear less bitching at me as a support

Lin Galini

To be honest as support who constantly try to improve her performance, watches many videos i noticded that there are really awful supports out there. While personally i've been always praised and thanked for my performance

Mari Guerrero

I don't exactly find healing fun, but a good game will give you a run for your money. Its can be hectic to heal, especially if the teams are well-matched in terms of skill, the win is satisfying then.

I don't get too many complaints as a healer, and if I do, its by some entitled asshole that thinks he should be pocketed the whole game.

Sam Wilkinson

Well I think the problem most dps players have especially at my level (gold) is they think that they can solo 3 enemies and keep trickling in without the team. So they just die constantly, but I do get games when even when they do group up they get nothing done.

Luke Garside

Tanks and healers are fun when you have a team that are on the same wavelength.
Both you and your team are of the same/ similar skill rating and thus you are equal.
The only thing that changes that is how much better you think you are than your team members.

Wyndsor Tan

Just a heads up I literally just got two matches where one DPS DC when we told him he was bad and one instalock sym and junk and we lost because we didn't have that edge over the pharah. Some context for that second game, we had zarya dva reaper Moira and mercy and we needed a soldier to cover the pharah cuz the enemy had triple tank and a pharmercy.

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