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PC Sorry for off-topic.what do you all think of the division after patch 1.8?how is it...

  • Thread starter Amaninder Singh Goraya
  • Start date

Stephen Brinkley

Warframe is really good. Been playing like two weeks and have 90+ hours already. Gave me everything I wish Destiny would have.

Garrett Wiese

I jumped back in for 1.8 and it’s improved drastically. The RPG systems are deep, there’s a good amount of build diversity, and the combat is pretty fun. I will say, though, you’re very much at the mercy of RNG to get good gear, so it’s a grind for sure. I’d check it out though, especially since you can generally find it pretty cheap now

Paul Rawlinson

Lol 1.8 is far better than D2

Scott Hollander

I have had it since launch day.. but didn't get too far.. I had no idea when I got it about the "grind" and bullet sponges.. I made it through a few missions and some safe house upgrades but it was way too hard for me and didn't have time to put into it ... I will give it another shot.. Should I start over?

Roberto Naldi

Is all the content unlocked or yuou have to buy the raids/zones of the year one season pass?

Shaun Reilly

I really recommend 1.8. I passed on the beta version of The Division and I'm glad I did(wish I learned my lesson with D2). I brought The Division for 25 bucks on steam sale, it's been worth every penny. It's the type of looter shooter I was hoping for with D2.

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