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Switch So what's everyone's favorite genre of gaming or game series? For me its JRPG hands...


Benjamin Sullivan

So what's everyone's favorite genre of gaming or game series? For me its JRPG hands down, specifically Dragon Warrior/Quest.

In fact my very first JRPG video game was Dragon Warrior (now Dragon Quest). I can still remember seeing the tv commercial in 1990 telling me that anyone who got a Nintendo Power subscription would get a free copy of Dragon Warrior for the NES. (Side note I've searched YouTube and Google trying to find this commercial and others remember it too but no one has a video of it posted anywhere that I can find).

I was 10 years old and had just gotten the NES for Christmas in 1989 so I didn't have a lot of games for it at that time. In fact I didn't even know what RPGs were, seeing as how I only owned Mario/Duckhunt and Paper Boy and before that my only other video game experience was with the Atari 2600. I rushed to beg my mom and dad to get if for me and I don't remember how the conversation went but somehow I managed to get them to bite and get me a subscription with the free game. Once I finally got it I was hooked.

I'm super excited to see Dragon Quest Builders and Dragon Quest 11 coming to the Switch stateside and happy to see Square Enix giving the Switch so much love and support all around.

So what's your favorite series/genre?

Jason Kindell

I have this, I haven't finished it yet, but I remember playing it when I was like 5

Colton Kardokus

Unsure if I’ll get Builders, but XI is definitely on my list for when it hits the Switch.

Jason Smyth-Chandler

I like RPGs (Lost Odyssey, DQ8, Earthbound, and Chrono Trigger are my favorites), as well as Action/Adventure games (All the Zelda games).
Platformers are nice, too, especially the Nintendo ones.

I used to really enjoy RTSs like Starcraft and Age of Empires, as well as Sim Games (the Sims, Simcity, etc.,) but as I've moved away from computer gaming over the years and am mostly a console player, those things have kinda waned. Though I'd love to see a game like Starcaft 2 with Joycon IR support come to the Switch.

Cristina Kanaschiro

Favorite series are Zelda and MGS, I'm also a huge fan (and great player) of Tetris lol

Stephen Blancher

I'm a huge JRPG fan, Final Fantasy being one of the tops. Dragon Quest VIII was a great game. I really love Suikoden as well, specifically Suikoden II.

I also have a big variety of tastes. Action Adventure games like Zelda, platformers like Mario. Recently fell in love with Doom.

J.D. Hall

How come anything I post rarely gets approved? Lol

William Kendall

What is JRPG?

Jason Georgopoulos

Heck yeah ! my first JRPG was Dragon Warrior 1 too ! except for me it was kind of a fluke when my mom purchased this game for me while I was at school at a pawn shop.
I went into this blind, no guides or anything, all I had was the pack in map-poster. It must have taken my 7 year old self at least an hour to get out of the first room with the king :)
25 years later my love for JRPGs is still as strong

Hector Ronas

The very first RPG I played. Didn't even understood what an RPG was. But managed to beat it, even get the secret from the middle of that poison swamp :D

Nemo Molloy

Fave game ever is dragon quest 5

Steve Wright Jr.

Dragon Warrior was the best. Never got into any of the ones after the first one. DW is still my favorite NES game.

Jason Smyth-Chandler

I think Earthbound was my first RPG that I personally played. Though I think the first one I was exposed to was Chrysalis that a friend of mine had.

Ted Darios

I remember the dragon warrior giveaway. I already had my copy though, so i couldn't take advantage of it. My favorite genre is jrpgs too. Which is why my primary system of choice currently is actually the Vita. So many new and classic rpgs on that system keep my occupied during my "bathroom breaks".

Dominique Ray Buck

I’ll change it up and say fighting games (though I do enjoy rpgs). Really big fan of the Marvel vs Capcom and Soul Calibur series

Patrick Diggins

I received this game through Nintendo Power in the exact same fashion. I loved it and would play it daily. I remember getting to the boss of the game and he offered me the chance to join him rather than fight him. I joined him and he double crossed me. He was kind of a dick.

Sheana Knight

This was actually one of my very first JRPGs when my parents first got a Nintendo. We rented this at the local video store Dragon Warrior, Ultima IV, and The Legend of Zelda those 3 games really got me into RPGs to this day.

Henry Foster

Ni no kuni for me, wish it was on Nintendo

Ted Darios

Also i dont remember a commercial talking about the giveaway. Rather, a letter in the mail, and it bsing advertised, in nintendo news letters and magazines.

Jacob Stafford

Definitely JRPG's. I love Skies of Arcadia, Persona 5, Xenoblade series, and Dragon Quest VIII.

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