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So Joseph Dino hates me and told me I’m bad. Please report and unmod. No jk. He said...


Lisa Garrett

So Joseph Dino hates me and told me I’m bad. Please report and unmod.

No jk. He said I need to work on my positioning and map awareness to improve.
What are some tips from you higher SR players that you can give me to improve as a player, and improve these poor habits? I have decent hero mechanics, but I’m coming from playing mostly MOBAs and it’s hard to adjust to a game this fast paced and directional.

Reinhardt, Moira, Mercy, and Mei primarily.

Matt Sherwin

increase your hero pool

Joseph Dino

Hold on wait a minute

Joseph Dino

I was bout to say I didn’t say that

John Huk

Would need to see your play

Kayla Sheree

Positioning is very important, on top of being aware of your surroundings. I played a lot of MMOs in the last ten years and have raided or ran certain tougher dungeons that required a lot of awareness for the surroundings. I would say it definitely helps to know your surroundings and also learning each and every line that a hero says while doing their abilities. Some people don't realize that the enemy team says something different than the friendly team, in terms of ults being used.

Learning the maps and where the health packs are is very important. It is good to know each nook and cranny when it comes to escaping, trapping, ulting, or surprising an enemy or enemy team. Abusing corners of walls with certain characters, kiting players away and distracting them from their jobs. Each map is unique.

It is important to learn different roles, too, and understand each of the heroes abilities and how they look. It is all hard to say without seeing your gameplay, but even just these small pieces of advice can help adjust your mindset when in games in the future. You seem to already have a good head on your shoulders when it comes to video games and Overwatch.

Daos Gaming


Daos Gaming

Honestly everything Kayla Sheree said. Plus knowledge of how each character works. Like for example a lot of ppl think that once Zenny pops ult they think he is safe and the only thing you can do to get him away is with a Roadhog hook. But last game I played. My Mcree and their Zenny popped ult. I just threw a couple of mines and tossed his ass in the air....he got the damn play of the game.....and I got no love :'(

Alex Wightman

Rein, stick with the team don’t charge unless you’re trying to get somewhere faster or it’s ensured kill because you lose huge protection when you do. Mercy stick with the team don’t pocket unless the whole team is full and if you’re gonna pocket pocket a tank as they’ll save your life in the end, orde of heals is other healer, tanks than dps

Luke Garside

Reinhardt, get your team behind you, hld up the shield, walk forward to get the push going. This is to either engage on the point or engage on even ground. Once you're at that point, get swinging. If ults are popped, shield your team, or if too much damage is coming your way.
Also, go for short charges when enemies are on you, not when you are shielding your team.

Emily Broekhuizen

For Mercy: look up Animetic on youtube, you can learn a lot on positioning on different maps

David Taylor

Don't fall into the "I main" trap. You learn more by playing more characters. You learn the timing and learn how to better predict how a match might play out within the next 30 seconds. You better understand when someone is vulnerable, say someoen who relies on abilities is fucked if they have cool downs. Bait out abilities and go in when you know they can't use their gap closer / escape. Any character that is giving you troubles, LEARN THEM to find their weaknesses. After you've mastered each character to an extent you know which paths they are likely to take and how long it usually takes them to do what needs to be done to get there. Timing, learn how to time deaths.Learn how to camp spawn and which characters are best to GET OUT OF a camped spawn. Learn when to group and when to split up. You don't always have to be grouped as 5, but it's good to know when to join up with your team. THere's just so much basics of an FPS, people think it's simple but if you want to become one of the better players you have to take a look at alllllllllll the mechanics of the game.

David Goulet

Hard without a VOD

Jay Henry

Getting a dps into that hero pool would be useful as they are the difference

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