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So Ive been working on a community montage name 'Amoxicillin' for a while now . I...

  • Thread starter Vasudev Singh Chauhan
  • Start date

Vasudev Singh Chauhan

So Ive been working on a community montage name 'Amoxicillin' for a while now .

I gathered some clips but they are not enough .

So if you want to be featured and have a cool clip that shows you annihilating your opponents , make sure to send that clip to the given link with your Battle-Id and Name as well as hero in the clip and number of eliminations obtained.

Settings for the clip :
Ultra Settings
1x Supersampling
Hardware Encoded

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Credits will be given to each person and payment too if the video gets high audience.


Perm: Carli Chebanova

Vasudev Singh Chauhan

Rhyan Eddy

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